SB Labs

Slin pins and Tren. What is real?

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Military Vet
I know this has been discussed before, and I wanted to bring it back to center mass. I haven’t tried this yet but was wondering a couple things. What’s the minimum length of a slin needle you can use for micro dosing? I know deeper is better isn’t the easy answer, but wanted to get some aspects of this and how it works for others. Just don’t want to waste my Tren. 😂. Also since slin pins will be closer to the surface, what’s the max you can inject .5ml or less? Anyways. Let me here your thoughts. Or experience.
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Personally I would go with 1/2" 27-29g depending on your sponsor. Funny you brought that up last week I pulled 3cc of different compounds and somehow I ended up putting a 1/2" 27g on my syringe, didn’t even think about it twice did my inject in the glute, and it was gliding right in, i get happy with proper injects,anyways I pull out then I finally noticed I hit 3ml in the ass with a 1/2" 😂😂 , I though I was fucked and I’m gonna lump up but to my surprise no issues whatsoever. Ok gonna stop rambling, but 1/2" 29g should be just fine
I have some 5/16 30ga. I am doing .3 ml every day of TrenA. I might try it with those slin pins. My shoulders legs and chest are pretty thin skinned. Plus it’s easier to push those and hold steady vice a glute shot. But I am planning it in the new year. Giving my body a break and lord knows I’ll be eating and drinking excessively during the holidays…
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My scar tissue must be nasty. 25g 1 inch is taking forever to do. Even 1cc in the delt. Are you waiting forever…like 3minutes or 5 minutes. I even did a few 22g in the glute this week. I cramp up really bad in my hands and twisting even ventral. I get a ton of pressure. So, I know many of us have done many injections. When you go get your kids vaccinated check the size out. Infants get 27g in the upper arm for varicella but sometimes 25g 1 inch and in the leg it’s a 22g. Of course we have reasons and grab a bunch of baby fat in the quad. It’s fast. I guess I’m just jealous, but really if you use a draw needle like a 18 or 20 and change to a 22g in the glute it should go in sharp and smooth and fast.
Yeah that would be scar tissue I’m getting the same in my quads. That’s why I had to add traps and calves. To let them heal.
Ugh traps for me are so hard it glides right in but some how I hit a nerve every time. I gave up there. I’ve been pinning 27g 1/2 for over a year and love it. If I pin my glutes I go to 1 inch but I do quads and everything else with the smaller g.
Going to find out. Haven’t done it yet. I might need to buy larger gauge. I am going to warm the oil and see what happens…
My scar tissue is bad in delts, arms, and glutes. Quads are my spot now but eventually I’ll have to find another site. Chest shots affect my pressing. Lat shots are hard to reach.
Did an experiment yesterday. I pulled 50iu thru a 30ga needle of Sust 350. Took me close to 5 min to draw. That’s non warmed oil. Injection of oil took 90 seconds. And that’s was me hard on the plunger. So I think TrenA will work as well. But will warm the oil first.
Tren ace will push smooth through the 30g but when I tried slin pins i asked for 1/2 in or 5/8 and the guy said ok I have a 30g in that, I said perfect and took them home without looking and after I got home I noticed they were 5/16 only. Still used them for about 4 injections and finally said fuck that because they were just sitting under the skin and burned like hell and the next day would itch like crazy and they took about 36 hours for each lump to go down ( not hot to the touch but felt like fire under the skin ) honestly not to great for information but I know 5/16 was way to short but after reading this thread I bought some 1/2 30g to give it another shot and did my first one today with success and will update with more after a few more days. I normally have been using 23-25g 1in and they have been fine since I opted for the 50mg ED injections and just wanted to try a smaller pin
Thanks for the info! I might just say fuck it and buy 1/2” skin pin…
Also just to throw in there that after the first 4 weeks or Tren I threw in 50 mgs of Mast with the daily injects and the shit really does help with the Tren sides and being on Keto really makes you feel flat but once mast came in I swear I’ve been getting a pump again at the gym and just having a harder and more pumped up feel through the day. Switched to keto after the first 2 weeks of Tren and that helps with the body heat and I’ve yet to have any night sweats only thing I notice is a some nights I would wake up a few times and actually just wish the night would be over with like it seemed to drag on like the sleep wasn’t great and here and there get a little bit of a faster heart rate while trying to fall asleep and I’m somebody who has anxiety pretty bad and I was real worried about that before starting the Tren but I pulled the trigger on it and I can say the sides everybody expects are blown way out of proportion and has been nothing but a good ride
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