Some things I'd like to say to the ones with kids

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Times seem really weird from what I hear it used to be. I try to stay in touch with some of the more elderly, cause they have a lot of valuable stories to share and learn from.

That might be why a lot of millennials and gen z could be feeling lost, or have more radical viewpoints, is because we’ve been living off more internet stories of glamerous lives, popularity, and entitlement. We are a generation, raised by lit screens lol.

Rarely do I hear about wholesome stories, of how people became great athletes, how people grind to be a business owner, or even the regular guy who made a great living in a trade, and invested his time into hobbies. Sharing stories of immigrants who flead their home country to here because of American values. I feel like they used to be more prevelant on the internet, but got washed out by politics.

It might be hard to know what is being taught in school now. It might be hard to explain your beliefs. Or debate with people in the heat of the moment. But I feel stories can really inspire the youth. Share your stories more with your kids, encourage your friends to share each others stories with their kids. Cause if they don’t hear about your stories, all they got to fall back on, is their phones, teachers, and peers.
I agree, I do try to share stuff, with my daughter sometimes its random,a lot of it I try to make it useful,not always stories though,like when were hiking, I talk about plants or trees, or animal markings,or even stories of deer hunting on the property we hike.although I have to be more tactful about it some of the talks.
I agree social media destroyed everything because the young stopped learning from the old and all they know is all the bs online.

I can tell a great story to kids anyone younger than 25. A group of people are taking advantage of you there called big tech in my day it was big pharma who got us they got everyone hooked on opiates. Just like now big tech is getting all of you addicted to social media. You might say you can’t get addicted to social media I promise that they worked with psychiatrists and they used algorithms to stimulate the same parts of the brain drugs stimulate.
Please use social media responsibly don’t allow them to make money hand over fist off of you just like big pharma did to me its truly the same thing please becareful some knowledge from someone who wasted 20yrs of there life my eyes are now open and you will see so much more without all that propaganda on social media.
If you don’t know what propaganda is look up Joeseph Gerbels a little rat bastard who really made it a science he got the nazis to almost wipe out an entire race.
Imagine what they can make you do with social media???

Bigmurph said:
You might say you can’t get addicted to social media I promise that they worked with psychiatrists and they used algorithms to stimulate the same parts of the brain drugs stimulate.
I work directly with those systems. Its not nessesarely any psychology that is new. We are using the slot machine theorys casinos built long ago on mobile applications and websites in general. The subtlies of the reloading animation when you swipe down. And the slight buzz it gives only when a personal message has been sent to you. The ability to infinitely scroll seamlessly without it looking like it’s realoading. The fact loading times are within half a second there is a psychology metric to that. Half a second is the optimal period of time to load without loosing someone from your site aka bounce rate.

The problem is, the culture building these systems don’t see it as a problem… And it’s cause there is a shit load of money tied to it. Like star struck level money, more than oil. This why they are hiring software engineers at the highest wages.
John said:
I talk about plants or trees, or animal markings,or even stories of deer hunting on the property we hike.
My dad would do the same thing. He was a bit rough around the edges so to speak, but it all proved valuable through multiple hurricanes, and the Texas freeze over. If all hell breaks loose, I’m confident in finding food and water. So even though I still consider my dad an asshole, I am thankful for moments like that.
I’m tryin buddy,she helps in the garden
,helps with wood, Willingly…I also know shes young,who knows what’s gonna happen in 3 years,which will be 13, or older…I might be sayin,God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…
Just remember to set the bar high. If you treat her well that’s what she’ll expect from those boys that’ll come sniffing around. Also those little aholes will see that she means the world to you and will treat her accordingly.

That or big daddy bear will have to come out of the cave.
Well while I’m that grumpy old bear more often then I’d like,but I treat my wife with love and respect, and I know the kid sees that,she she also knows how her shitbag of a real father,use to treat her mother.
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Here’s a good ol fashion experience @Tack,my daughter helped my wife make Mulberry Jam, and then they Canned it, Mulberry from our own tree, then strawberries from our garden to mix in, mulberry by themselves aren’t that tasty as compared to other wild berries, so we mixed in our strawberries to help,I swear its fuckin great,not just because its mine either.
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I saw one episode while in the hospital. The grandmother was addicted to plasebos at the pharmacy, and the new pharmacist was trying to cut her off. Well, don’t need to get into specifics, I found the show cute.
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