Sorry everyone thought I did this

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Active member
Hey everyone I’m a
Around 10%bf
Man who has been on the forums about 15 years. I’m pretty knowledgeable on hesr but I dont know everything by any means. I’ve tried more since I got older but I’m anout ready to stop or hrt at highest.
I’ve been blasting and cruising 6+ yrs. Time for a break
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That is good advice @Dustined83 : Get some bloodwork drawn and tested. Especially if you are considering TRT. Find a good urologist that you can discuss everything with. They will do lab work and you and your healthcare professional can make informed decisions based on data.
I get bloods pulled about every six months. About due one before long too. Never sat down with an endo though. I read work blood work myself
Are you going to do your own hrt/trt or seek a doc?

That is if you even need it.
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