Sources who lift?

I sure do! Haha
I made it a lifestyle to be fit, so im always at the gym and reading up on new info. And to answer your question having all this gear on hand is awesome i get it! :muscle:but it doesnt make me abuse it just because i got it, i still do mild cycles and just try to build lean mass slowly over time.
I did that hahaha, I purchased everything top notch…it was just a little bit but I bought the cool vials, and when my old training partner wanted a bit more because he gave one to his friend to try, I was so pissed…I moved but he would have been old training partner anyway! I’d lose money too!
I have found that low doses of the right combination is low bad side effects and great gains.
You just need to have a strong diet and strong training and the gains will come with no issues
I agree with finding the right amount. There is a range that is effective. I learned not to pyramid,for me doesn’t work, there are other things that don’t work for me, that some swear by but then I used to look at them and think, “do they even train”. I learned a ton and still learn everyday about training and diet. I thought I knew everything at 25. Then I remember getting smoked in a show, bbing ,powerlifting, wrestling…always seemed 1step ahead, then for 5 years I think I made every mistake I could. The worst was mega dosing and to this day I hope half my shit was fake:slight_smile: some can relate, I was so lethargic, so puffy , treated every effect with something else, injuries. I figured if my chest was 60 inches(it never was) then my waist could be 44!( it was) I come across pharmaceutical substances in my profession that I took years ago for a bbing reason and for over a decade I see what they are supposed to be used for…L- dopa comes to mind,actually we won’t use that , but even seeing or hearing others talk about femara side effects on some women. But, I probably would of done the same thing. Sorry to get off topic but I do totally agree with using the benifit to risk ratio, so if I was " source " hanging out in Beijing or Moldova, Andorra with 2000 kits of HGH or igf, probably have to see what 50units does.
I have 110% Faith in my products!

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18.5" Arms

Bench- 405lbs
Squat- 495lbs never gone higher
Deadlift- 495lbs never gone higher
Military press- 225x5

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Those were a little bit below my stats at 16… Except I never made 6 foot. Omni is very good. We are too nice here, gotta bust some balls and I haven’t received the special email yet! 😮. Oh no, now the anavar will be a new mix… Ethylene glycol for rnmuscle:sleeping:😴. Seriously, do you ever make something special or have tried just for yourself… And since your answering questions(maybe I’ll make a new topic) is there a definite cutoff on mg per ml. Back in the day of TTokyo test 400, everyone said "you can’t fit that much in a cc. " there has to be a cutoff like 300mg for a certain ester or weight of whole substance? Even for a “best amt”. I have never really had a solid answer. Can someone do a test prop 500 but it would constantly crash or hurt so bad, cause necrosis? So the best stable mix is 50-100?
We are always asked for higher concentrate gear and recently added a few options in our test line, its 100% possible to brew the high mg/ml concentrate youve mentioned by using EO or BB and a super solvent with minimal PIP.

Me personally… if I was looking to buy high concentrate product it would have to be from someone highly trusted because in my experience when I use to purchase from labs is anything 300mg/ml+ makes me question how accurate that dose really is… - UNITED
I see that and that is a refreshing answer. I always felt the same way. Its hard for someone "old"😤, like myself and after so many years and different great ideas that weren’t all that great to tell if 750 test, 400 this, 350 that… To tell that its dosed correct or a lot of times the right compound. It comes down to OK I Feel “on” and you get a certain look. That’s why diet and training gets more important. I’ve always said there was that pre net lull where many of us were lucky a lot of gear was inert or way underdosed. Might of saved us in a weird way. Also, never had the same feeling of being “on” real syntex 2902 ANADROL, searle anavar, etc. Thanks for the honest answer. Says a lot. Just like there’s a src who is honest about blends, rather poke more times. United, can’t wait to order from you. Its like women and shoes, I like to try different places.