I agree with finding the right amount. There is a range that is effective. I learned not to pyramid,for me doesn’t work, there are other things that don’t work for me, that some swear by but then I used to look at them and think, “do they even train”. I learned a ton and still learn everyday about training and diet. I thought I knew everything at 25. Then I remember getting smoked in a show, bbing ,powerlifting, wrestling…always seemed 1step ahead, then for 5 years I think I made every mistake I could. The worst was mega dosing and to this day I hope half my shit was fake:slight_smile: some can relate, I was so lethargic, so puffy , treated every effect with something else, injuries. I figured if my chest was 60 inches(it never was) then my waist could be 44!( it was) I come across pharmaceutical substances in my profession that I took years ago for a bbing reason and for over a decade I see what they are supposed to be used for…L- dopa comes to mind,actually we won’t use that , but even seeing or hearing others talk about femara side effects on some women. But, I probably would of done the same thing. Sorry to get off topic but I do totally agree with using the benifit to risk ratio, so if I was " source " hanging out in Beijing or Moldova, Andorra with 2000 kits of HGH or igf, probably have to see what 50units does.