SB Labs

Starting next cycle in a month or so now, wondering if there are more options?

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I would say just keep it simple brotha, maybe Test, Npp, EQ with a lil gh thrown in. That’s kinda what I’m leaning towards my next cycle. I totally agree Tren can take a toll on you, I think I’ve been on Tren A for over a year now, obviously changing doses from 100mgs to 700mgs a week, but I myself think it’s time to hop of the tren train for a lil bit
Did you split this 40mg? 20 morning 20 evening?

I’m just about to get this one going, I’m starting a week and a half earlier than planned, but I just got a big bag of goodies in the mail from @SRx.

I’m doing the injectable superdrol btw
Forget that last question, I forgot we were talking about ment… I confused this conversation with another one you and I had a while back about sdrol… I did not go with ment, just the regular, NPP/TPP, test c, sdrol instead of dbol, and no EQ this time.

My question about splitting was about injectable superdrol. I found one article that says the half-life is 10 hours, in which case I’m going to be splitting. One of those days…
That’s the reason I’m using the injectable. I won’t use orals because of the liver toxicity, outside of proviron but I don’t think that’s comparable to the rest.
I thought about inject but didn’t want to pin every day here I am pinning mtren everyday so there’s that
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