SB Labs

Starting Tren Monday


Staff member
Military Vet
You all know I asked a lot of questions for my first cycle of trenA. One last question. Is there any problem stacking TrenA and TestE inthe same barrel? Or should they be pinned separate? I am micro dosing the Tren ED. And still hitting TestE monday/Thursday. Wanted to know if I could pull both in one barrel.
You absolutely can. However there is some science based opinions about blending esters, especially fast vs slow esters. I’ve never paid too much attention to them though and have always blended different gear, carriers, esters, etc in the same pin and have never experienced anything short of what I expected. The only no-no that everyone should know is not to mix aqua and oil. Otherwise, blend away my friend
Been on 600mg testE Monday/Thursday for 6 weeks. Tren I’m planning TrenA 30mg ED 6 weeks. Then last three weeks walking down the TestE 500 twice a week. 400 twice a week. Then last week back to 200mg twice a week. The test number is the twice a week total.
If you think I should push it back I will say a couple of weeks more on test before Tren?
With enanthate or Cyp you’re looking at about 21 days to actually build to full dosage/serum levels and it will be another 21 days or so before your body starts utilizing the test you’ve given it to perform at extra physiological levels.

To say it short, yes. I would run the test for 3 to 4 weeks before I started the Tren. Then run the Tren out for 6 weeks with the Test.
I mean I don’t want you doing something your not comfortable with, now say if you were in 600 test P I would think yes that’s perfect, i myself usually run shorter blast with all short esters. I would just think 6 weeks is a tad short for longer esterd compounds