SB Labs

State wants survey of my incarceration

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Got this letter in mail from Legislative Audit Bureau. They want to know about my experience of being in jail!!! It and anonymous survey. Hahaha WTF.
Well, food sucks! Some guards are nice some are ducks! It’s always too cold or too hot. The clothes don’t fit right and the flip flops are uncomfortable. The company inside sucks. Being in solitary for five days mandatory for quarantine is super depressing and inhumane. There are no instructions by phone on how to use it to access money for putting on calling account to make calls or order commissary. When ask guards how to use phone they say follow instructions and takes three days just to finally convince them they need to post instructions so couldn’t make a call for three days. The cell was filthy had bloody alcohol pads from last guy had diabetes. Garbage inside pubic hairs everywhere. The cleaning bucket and supplies in mornings were just water so no sanitary cleaner to kill germs. Toilet is all metal with no seat and cold. Drinking fountain on top of toilet barely works so the water flows over everything and doesn’t squirt up in air. Ya I have a lot of nice things to say 🤣🤣😂😂🤔🤔🤔🤔

Oh. And it took them three days to figure out I wasn’t even suppose to be there.

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US is the only country that sees incarceration as a business. Most look at like rehabilitation and have better facilities. They have higher success rates then the US. But Bidens crime laws in the 90s really pushed it beyond limits.
Really. Biden’s?? That’s effed up. I always thought the liberals had that one thing right. The philosophy of being more understanding to those of us that seem to have been at a disadvantage either by race or upbringing or environmental disadvantages to be normal. I don’t like him and never have. Am not a liberal either. I hate all politics.

When I’m quarantine we get out for three hours a day and walk around the pod and talk to other guys. They all have the same opinion. 1. We put too many people behind bars that just make stupid choices but are not dangerous or real criminals.
2. We would be much better off in programs were we are taught proper living and rehibilitation. Jail has never fixed any of us. If anything it just makes us upset and bitter towards authority. I never knew other countries had a different and better approach. Why don’t we learn from them?
Bidens name was at the top of the bill that locked up EVERYONE for EVERYTHING….along with slick willie…

Pulling from memory here… I believe a large amount of minority (black) folks had numerous meetings with the clinton administration to try and curtail the crime in their neighborhoods. It was pretty bad at the time and they got what they wanted. The problem is/was it locked up lots and lots of people…let’s say 2 felony convictions…third was something stupid…too bad… you’re going away.

I’m not passing judgment either way. I live in a relatively decent community…my granny always said just cuz you’re poor don’t mean you have to be a criminal…poverty doesn’t breed crime… crime breeds poverty.
Problem is they are wasting money and locking folks up for stupid shit. Not criminals. Most guys in jail here are in for dumb stuff and the jail is always full. There are a few dealers and robbers in there. But like for example in Wisconsin if the police get called to a home by wisconsin law they have to give someone a domestic and arrest whoever they deem to be the most dangerous one which is always the guy. Then it’s up to the courts and lawyers to figure out if a domestic is warranted or not. Honestly I think it’s a back door way to get rid of more gun owners rights. It started in 2018. In Michigan they arrest both husband and wife. Or boyfriend and girlfriend so they get two for one there
It’s like one of the hoity toity neighborhoods I lived in decades ago. It was on a stretch of country road that lead to a very busy ferry landing. When the ferry let out, those dudes would fly down the road…heading to wherever. The homeowners association had a meeting and invited a local state trooper (highway patrol) and begged him to flip flop for a month. I told them folks… be careful what you ask for! A month later that dude wrote some tickets…mostly homeowners speeding on the way to work. Hahaha you just can’t make that up.
Most jails are for profit owned by private companies and they have a mandatory quota worked into their contract with the state.
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