Sterandryl Retard (testosterone hexahydrobenzoate)
Androgenic 100
Anabolic 100
Chemical Names
Estrogenic Activity moderate
Progestational Activity low
Testosterone hexahydrobenzoate is an injectable ester of the primary male androgen testosterone. The hexahydrobenzoate ester used here is a short-acting one, maintaining steady blood levels of testosterone for only several days. It, therefore, requires a much more frequent injection schedule than testosterone enanthate or cypionate. Testosterone hexahydrobenzoate is very similar to testosterone propionate in duration of effect, though perhaps slightly longer acting. For all intents and purposes, these two steroids could be used interchangeably. As with all testosterone injectables, testosterone hexahydrobenzoate is capable of promoting strong increases in muscle mass and strength.
Testosterone hexahydrobenzoate is
testosterone that was first closely studied in Europe during the mid-1950’s. It was subsequently sold as a prescription drug item during the 1960’s and 70’s, most notably under the brand names of Sterandryl Retard (France) and Testormon Depositum (Portugal). Testosterone hexahydrobenzoate was used clinically to treat insufficient androgen levels in males, and menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding), metrorrhagia (abnormal bleeding of the uterus), excessive lactation, and breast cancer in females. It was also used with both sexes to treat certain skin conditions (associated with itching), psychoneurosis, and asthenia (abnormal physical weakness or lack of energy). In spite of the numerous accepted medical uses for this drug, testosterone hexahydrobenzoate was ultimately only a minor testosterone ester in clinical medicine, and was withdrawn from the world market (as a standalone item) before the 1980’s. This ester can still be found as a constituent of Spectriol, an Australian veterinary
Androgenic 100
Anabolic 100
Chemical Names
Estrogenic Activity moderate
Progestational Activity low
Testosterone hexahydrobenzoate is an injectable ester of the primary male androgen testosterone. The hexahydrobenzoate ester used here is a short-acting one, maintaining steady blood levels of testosterone for only several days. It, therefore, requires a much more frequent injection schedule than testosterone enanthate or cypionate. Testosterone hexahydrobenzoate is very similar to testosterone propionate in duration of effect, though perhaps slightly longer acting. For all intents and purposes, these two steroids could be used interchangeably. As with all testosterone injectables, testosterone hexahydrobenzoate is capable of promoting strong increases in muscle mass and strength.
Testosterone hexahydrobenzoate is
testosterone that was first closely studied in Europe during the mid-1950’s. It was subsequently sold as a prescription drug item during the 1960’s and 70’s, most notably under the brand names of Sterandryl Retard (France) and Testormon Depositum (Portugal). Testosterone hexahydrobenzoate was used clinically to treat insufficient androgen levels in males, and menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding), metrorrhagia (abnormal bleeding of the uterus), excessive lactation, and breast cancer in females. It was also used with both sexes to treat certain skin conditions (associated with itching), psychoneurosis, and asthenia (abnormal physical weakness or lack of energy). In spite of the numerous accepted medical uses for this drug, testosterone hexahydrobenzoate was ultimately only a minor testosterone ester in clinical medicine, and was withdrawn from the world market (as a standalone item) before the 1980’s. This ester can still be found as a constituent of Spectriol, an Australian veterinary