SB Labs

Steroid Plotter Prop Vs. Test E

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Thought this was super interesting. Plotted out taking 350 Enan a week (175mg e3.5d) and Test Prop at 350 a week (100mg EOD) and Prop peaks at 84mg a day, valley at 54mg a day. Enan peaks at 45mg a day, valley at 28 mg a day. I attached pics. I’ve heard “test is test” but this seems like it would make a huge difference. May have to run prop next cycle!

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Doing test with prop soon then got. A good amount of booties coming I believe from another sponsor if I like it. I’m a fan I’m of this mix of test ace tpp and iso I’m on
I’ve tacked to running nothing but prop unless I’m going to be traveling and can’t inject ED. I respond far better to prop than any other test.
I don’t mind pinning and enjoy pip so I think I’ll like it but when I’m doing a bit higher end test cycles I’ll have to throw in other or I’ll be doing 3ml of gear daily hahah
I haven’t done a g of test a week in a long time. 10 years or so
I’m actually not sure that I will run that much anytime soon as I’m more worried about strength than size at the moment and next bulk I’ll let the ment do
It’s things
Two things about this…
Prop(faster esters) seem to cause PIP in a lot of people. Not sure on your experience with it.
Also, pinning EOD you start to fill like a fucking pin cushion…

Obviously your goal is to maintain a steadiness, which I agree with…
I personally have gone both ways, but E3D seems to work…
I’ve been pinning ED for a year now. Just works so much better for me than E3D or even EOD. Gotta use tiny needles–27g max, preferably 28 or 29ga. And use lots of different injection sites: glues, v-glutes, lats, quads, and delts.
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