Sundays are so much better now

Steeler fan since the days of the Steel Curtain - ‘Mean Joe’, LC and the others. And who could forget the offense of Bradshaw, Swan, and Franco.
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The whole thing with players not standing.
I don’t want to get it going but I agree don’t disrespect your country as a protest. Were uncensored so I definitely believe in protest and free speech I just can’t understand why they would protest against the national anthem.
Oh shit another black and Yellow fan. Been Steelers fan since I was a young kid. I honestly don’t watch much football lately due to all the bullshit they are pulling so I’ve really lost intrest. But if I see Steelers playing I have to stop and watch then they piss me off usually so I leave lol
Oh ok i get it but i still wouldnt stop watching i would just flip them the bird :fu:t2:We are a free country and we allow people to express their views even when its disrespectful and distasteful. I dont agree with these jack asses either
I have no problem with someone protesting. That’s their right as an American and what we fought for to give people those rights. Just don’t do it on the job. You didn’t see the players protesting in the off season. So why do it during the game. Rant over. Time to move on. I’d rather talk about training and making those gains.
Semper Fi training…

If you run away from things you disagree with you will always be running and die tired. 😉
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Not running just not supporting. Some things mean more to some of us than others. I think it’s a disgrace. Just my opinion. I follow my employers rules at work as should everyone. I have fam that died for us.
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