Super liver super no more after superdrol but test seems up to snuff

I mean I knew I had bloods so I wanted to see what the body could handle honestly. Also I did go for drinks that Saturday before them being drawn. It was a pretty good recipe to finally get them in elevated territory. In the future I think I’ll use the two compounds separately also I think I’ll do superdrol like Abomb’s in two week pulses I personally felt week three like the only thing I was getting from combo was sweating through everything
Back in the day, superdrol gave me crazy results at 20mg a day and completely changed my look in 3-4 weeks. Might use it again when I cap of my test/deca/mk677 bulk
I personally would only use it for higher toxic orals but I imagine your talking about adrol, sdrol, or halo so you definitely should gives you better gains from what I have seen and it helps your liver still function lol
Abomb’s dbol sd are the only orals I think I will run run halo maybe leading to stepping on stage but for my current purposes it’s more just pwo item
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I didn’t think that you were into dbol you should try pulsing dbol and adrol together lower dosage of both its amazing only did it once for 2 two week blasts but amazing
I think I like the mental sides of dbol more than results unless used as pwo in arm day cause pumps are ducking great
I loved dbol as a pwo I loved it it gave me a feeling in the gym that only primo has come close to and this is the real dbol blue hearts from march and British dispensary. Amazing stuff
I can’t remember some comparing dbol and Adrol for power sports and he referred to dbol as liver toxic antidepressants hahah