Tbol is just like dbol? I don't think so


So when I first started running aas I loved dbol great compound always gave me great gains. But then I started a cycle one day and my bp started to sky rocket so I dropped the dbol. I also was only running 30mg a day so I wasn’t going crazy. So I started doing alot of research on all the other orals and it fell between tbol winny and var because all 3 really have no bad sides on bp. So I kept being told by everyone that tbol is just like dbol just no bloat so I figured its my best bet.
They were wrong but I wouldn’t say completely. I ran my first cycle of tbol on my last run I ran 30mg in the morning and 30mg pre-workout. This does work well its a great compound for what it does but it really does nothing that dbol does. Dbol always gave me that demi god feeling in the gym tbol I get no feeling except for I can lift heavier. With dbol you retain alot of water that blows you up quickly and helps your muscles heal really fast helping you build alot of mass fast tbol doesn’t do this tbol still puts mass on you it helped me get some of my gains definitely but slowly over 6wks I finnally felt how much the tbol helped once I dropped it. Then i could feel I didn’t have that little extra umph during my workout.
So for the guys out there considering running dbol or tbol and your being told tbol is dbol without the bloat don’t listen.
If you’re goals are to bulk and get as big as possible dbol is your tool you want to use.
If you want to stay lean and dry but still get some mass out of an oral then tbol is the tool you want.
I wanna try to get some tbol to run my next cycle. But tbh I’ve akways wanted to try dbol too. My biggest concern isn’t no tho. I feel like I’d take it one day and wake up with gyno the next lol.

*sorry I know this post is old but it just so happened to fit my exact thoughts tonight thinking about using an oral or not for my next cycle.
I personally get very little, if any, water retention from dbol. Sure it might be too little to actually notice but it does not effect my BP or make me feel bloated.

Some of the water retention from certain steroids can be attributed to the high carbohydrates in a persons diet. For every one gram of carbohydrates that are stored in the body the body retains 2-4 grams of water and the water retention only increases when you start adding exogenous hormones.

To offset this an individual can take a natural diuretic like Irwin Naturals Bloat Away, limit salt and avoid some of the simple carbs they consume.

As a individual who lives a keto lifestyle 6-10 months out of the year I don’t have to be very concerned about water retention. I am pissing all the time and have to ensure I keep my electrolytes up.

Concerning dbol- Most of the fullness and size will disappear after cessation of its use. I am simply pointing this out so that someone new doesn’t get the wrong impression or have false expectations about what dbol will do for them.
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Yeah and it’s probably worse for most who use it on a bulk and high carbs. So would make sense why so many retain water. Man I love my carbs. Keto would kill me. One of these days when I cut tho I should try it. I’m sure I’d dice up really well.
Last time i used d-bol oral version i did 50mgs a day and i swear it felt like someone was playing drums on my liver. Throbbing was insane. Felt like King Kong in the gym but felt like shit at home. Too much risk to reward. But to each is own just be careful and dont go crazy with it. Will def put on size quick but can turn you into a water buffalo if your diet is shit!
I know this post is old as shit but still throwing this question up because I’m not sure it deserves a new thread. The water retintion that comes from Dbol or other compounds… does the water help create more muscle all said n done? Like is the extra weight gain just extra that goes away as soon as you stop running it? Is there a bet benifit to blowing tf up beyond being strong and full in the moment… will Dbol this winter for several weeks help me be bigger in the summer while cutting. Sorry I was rambling, I’m not the best writer lol
So the reason why your body holds water while taking aas is to help with the healing process of your muscle tissue.
Different compounds help build muscle in different ways so if you use dbol or nandrolone these are going to add water weight that once you stop yes you will lose the water weight and you will only keep the weight after a cycle that is fat or muscle.
If you use dbol it shouldn’t be during a “common” cutting cycle. Tbol would be the common choice so that you don’t bloat with water because people cutting usually don’t want the water weight. They want to stay slim year round.

If you are planning on running an uncommon cycle like dbol by itself I wouldn’t recommend it because of the loss of your natural production.

If you were though it would help you get bigger through a way that doesn’t seem to fit your end goal
Thanks man… I’m not running only Dbol just adding it to a bulking cycle this winter. Goal this winter is too put on some size. But you answered my question. The water you hold creates a more anabolic environment for building muscle. So after you stop the Dbol and the water/nitrogen retention recedes you are still left with some actual tissue gain👍
All I know is I’m two weeks in and this damn d ball is giving me some kind of heartburn. And it’s all in the upper abdomen which is my liver area so I guess I’m just screwed and need to stop. I pop one before I head to work in the morning and two hours later I’m starting to get crucial heartburn. Also today at work I felt all queasy in the stomach like you do if you get a big laceration … Either that or all the gas fumes today was my first day without the covid mask trying to breathe easier but we constantly have trucks and a baler running. So I don’t know if it was fumes or what… @Bigmurph
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Unfortunately for me I’ve never felt like King Kong. My body just reacts better to liquids. Did that liver feeling give you heartburn as well like a double feeling of liver and heartburn?
You are left with some, SOME bein the main word, I’d bet that some is gonna amount to most of your gains are gonna disappear, Unless you just keep cycling, but at that point you wouldn’t know
It could be the cut they use to fill the caps or tabs I would say if it doesn’t feel comfortable to take it then don’t try a different compound. You are having bad side effects and there are plenty of other compounds that can help you reach your goals.
Don’t put yourself through agony be safe brother
O I’m gonna keep cycling. It’s a lifestyle brother lol. When I ran Dbol before I remember it being super fun in the gym with the strength and pumps. So what your kinda saying is that Dbol is only really effective while on it? Almost how mast is a cosmetic drug Dbol could be considered a strict performance enhancer? Is there any orals that would produce an effect that’s lasting assuming you keep training and cycling?
I shouldn’t say it as harsh as you won’t keep a lot I just believe you won’t keep most in a compound like that. I like mast makes me hard n tight