Tbol is just like dbol? I don't think so

I think Im going to try some Tbol at some point. I would love to do Dbol again but it was when adding it I had a really hard time controlling gyno. I managed gyno fine my first cycle with just test, still got it, but was able to manage. The next cycle I added Dbol, first few weeks were amazing and I so looked forward to taking in pwo, but then it became I was unable to manage the gyno side. But then again this was a time I was only able to get arimidex reliably. Maybe aromasin will do me better. But regardless, I think Tbol is worth a shot at some point.
I haven’t had any issues with my dbol yet cept it tastes like shit. I use drops. So I put 50ml in half glass of orange juice and it tastes like a really strong screwdriver with shitty gas station vodka. Lmao.
Hey @John @NeuroRN @Outlawthing @Dmomuchole @Dirtnasty @BigSwole69 . Today after I warmed up my shoulder for about forty minutes I started doing curls and triceps isolated with light weight. I’ve been on this cycle now for two weeks. Dbol is 50 per day pwo. This is the first day I felt stronger. I was doing preacher curls starting at 50 pounds and ending at 65 pounds but my reps were crazy. I was repping 40 per set and did five sets easy. Wanted to do more but daughter was calling me to come home. Triceps cable pull downs same thing. 80 pounds and repping 50 per set. Easy. Now I normally do a lot more weight. But just three days ago I was doing same weight at half the reps and they were to fail. I could’ve done more of these but I considered fail my shoulder aching because I was afraid of making injury worse. Remember my cycle is 200 eq ED first two weeks then 100 after. 100 prop ED. 50 NPP ED Dbol 50 ED. And of course side effect drugs. So is this huge difference in endurance and or strength from Dbol? I’ve used the other compounds except EQ but never had an experience like this. ???
That’s good stuff bro im glad to hear you being safe, I don’t want to hear about you going down for tearing something. Sounds like your moving decent weight. I may have to try this cycle on my next run.
Maybe this is an experience. I hope it’s something I can learn from. Get on a cycle and train with lighter weights but just destroy it. Then hopefully huge gains will come at the end. I don’t know. Am so new at this. I just don’t want to finish the cycle and feel broken like I do now. Arrrggghhh!!!
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LMAO I can totally picture you throwing those weights around like a beast,I’ve been doing the same thing light on the weight heavy on the reps and slowly move up. I was having some tendon issues before I started lifting but that has since subsided. You came a long way Rusty. 👍
I’d guess it’s the Dbol. I never noticed crazy endurance from EQ like ppl talk about. A little bit but not like I did from Dbol… when running Dbol there was one day I remember where all the sudden I was so much stronger it was laughable. Me and my training partner were both laughing about how much stronger I had gotten seemingly over night… but take that with a grain of salt as I have no science or reasoning behind it. Just personal experience
Exactly bro!!! It was like my strength doubled overnight. I have to remember my age though. My connective tissue won’t handle huge gains on heavy weights. But doing 80 pound cable triceps pull downs 50 times is insane. I don’t use any body movement. Just steady like reverse curls I try to isolate the triceps as much as possible. No cheats. My arms probably swelled up two inches and the pump lasted about two hours with no cialis @GSoE
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That’s another thing you won’t keep a lot of,anything that changes real quick, over night, it works the same way when it leaves, real quick
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I can’t decide if it’s worth it or not to run Dbol this winter… probably be fun. But I could also run Anavar… or maybe anadrol. Hmmm. Making me get philosophical about gear and check my motives. On one hand I want to make gains that are keepable and push me towards the end goal… On the other hand I do love being a monster In the moment, and who cares if I don’t have abs when it’s 30 degrees out
Dunno it’s only been two weeks and I am not doing heavy weight cause looming injuries. I would guess about a 15 percent strength gain already.
I think 15% strength gain from the compound itself is pretty badass. Usually I’m just starting to feel the effects of the compounds kicking in and the gains are yet to come. Just gotta be careful with it cause like I have been told and learned the soft tissue won’t keep up with the strength gains and injuries will happen if not cautious.
I’m almost 4 weeks in with dbol. Every day feels like I’m making progress. I did scare myself doing incline db press where I felt a twinge in my shoulder. Nothing serious but a good reminder of what you were saying earlier in about connective tissue. But damn! It’s hard trying to walk the line not push it