Test C, NPP and EQ cycle length

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Hey guys, I did test c at 200mg and npp at 300mg for about 18 weeks 2 months ago w solid gains. I’m wanting to run 250mg of test C, 400 NPP and 400 EQ. How long can I run this cycle for? I’ve seen some people drop the NPP after like 8 weeks and finish the cycle with just test and EQ. What’s the point of dropping NPP? Thanks for your help.
the point of dropping NPP is to get a drier look and leaner, since NPP is a wet compound. Bulk for first 8 weeks then cut for the rest of the cycle and add a dry oral usually tbol, anavar, winny or something like that.

I am wrapping up a similar cycle just a lot higher dose dose. and deca instead of npp.
I personally wouldn’t run eq less than 16 weeks. If you are doing PCT that ester takes roughly 70 days to clear system so you will have to run test for a bit to let it clear.
you are adding stress in your body. Your labs may not always show xyz stress indicators now. But over time it will catch up.



Start em now. Stay on them.
Personally if markers are fine and you feel
Fine I see no issue popping back on. But I’m also on the more lore Rick taking aid eof things
I’ll just do trt for 3 months after this cycle. Thanks for the help. I’m going to do
NPP 400mg 1-8wks
Eq 400mg 1-8wks then probably increase to 500mg for the last 8 wks
250mg of test
30mg of anavar per day for the last 8 weeks.
Sound good?
Looks good, may want to be careful of low estrogen from EQ. It happens to some people. for example test estrogen week 8.
Your cycle looks good i like it. should get good GAINS!
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