SB Labs

Test C, NPP and EQ cycle length

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Should I still take an AI with EQ? I hear it lowers your estrogen. I’m currently taking 2 Anastrozole per week. Also, has anyone ran npp for the entire cycle? I know npp is a wet compound and Eq dry but both for 16 weeks might add size and vascularity, thoughts?
I would f run any ai at that dose do labs show you need
The adex at 250 a week
My last cycle of 300 npp and 200 test I needed to increase my AI dose to 3mg per week bc my estrogen was 46.5 on 2mg per week.
Running NPP entire cycle right now, but not with EQ. NPP/Mast/Test. It’s drier than you think versus Deca. You could run it while cycle at 400/wk and do well. Agree with @NeuroRN about keeping Estro in check with level of Test. I’m sort of a misnomer on this and my hormone provider knows that I do well no matter what, keeping estradiol levels around 30, even if I run Test high, but I don’t really run Test high anymore, because I don’t like the sides, so I keep at no more than 400. You should do well 2x/week on your Adex and with the EQ. Just keep eye on your swelling, estro signs, etc. and adjust. Maybe get mid-cycle labs to see.
I posted a video of Dave Tate on a lecture. He was talking about the exact thing. Live learn pass on.
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