Test E allergy reaction

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If it was the test it probably would have happened quicker than that. But I would try a different sponsor to be sure. Or find the old vial and see what solvent and carrier oil was used. You may be allergic to something else.
I mean I feel like most allergic regions from my nectar usually are more localized than swelling of face and what not. If I remember correctly Carly this guy lives on the most venomous continent Australia so maybe a local animal got him
EO and MIG destroy me, to the point of not being able to use the limb I pinned… however, if you stand outside and open your eyes, I’m allergic to just about everything… it’s my kryptonite, that and trashy looking blondes dressed like they just left a white snake concert
well, I m not 100% certain obviously. Just wanted to share this with the community and see if by any chance someonelse has experienced something similar.
eh eh not local animals men, I dont leave in the bushes :)))) anyway if anyone has experienced something similar pls lemme know. cheers
I believe the only reasonable explanation it’s that I took way too much in in a week (500 mcg !!!) and maybe it caused a sort of ‘overdose’ ???
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