Test e cycle interrupted

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Hey guys havent posted in a while gyms were shut down a while in michigan then I got caught up in work and lost my drive for awhile. Anyway I took some advice from previous post on a beginner cycle of test e plus arimidex and hgh. I only had one vial of test e 250 and was doing 500mg a week split in 2 doses. Noticed significant strength gains in a few weeks. I got 2 more vials to get a 12 week cycle since I only had 5 weeks worth. I know I shoulda had all my ducks in a row but here I am. Anyway I just got 2 trenbo 200mg. not what I wanted. Smh. Is it safe to continue the cycle the way I have just replace the test e w trenbo? or should I just cut my cycle short and do my pct and be better prepared next time? Any thoughts and pointers are appreciated thanks guys.
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You might want to get blood work done to see if you need a full pct or just possibly nolvadex maybe even your still not shutdown completely.
This might help save somethings for next cycle
Thanks yall that’s what I was afraid of smh just figured I’d get some clarity on the situation. Seriously appreciate the input yall probably saved me from alot of bullshit lol. I’ll have everything ready next time but man those few first weeks were going so good 😂😭
Live and learn
Yeah it sucks but next time around you will have learned from this experience with just test and your next run will be that much better I look forward to hearing about future plans and goals?
Nothing too drastic or overly thought out just really want to be a little stronger than I was and look better naked than I did lol. Just dont want to be average I guess. I got a good frame and decent background working construction(waterproofing) and gyming . Started at 140lbs been working out over 7 years and got up to 220lbs nice build but nothing spectacular in my eyes u can tell I been natty. I’d like to develope more muscle on a cycle that way when I cut I have a nice leaner but blockier look when I lean out my muscles tend to go w it (not all muscle of course) I’m assuming I need a boost to retain it while cutting. Thinking of bulking w the test and hgh and cutting w clenbuterol and mabey even anavar but the anavar has not yet been decided. Still new to the juice world so im just trying to get my feet wet for now.
Dadgotit said:
working construction(waterproofing)
I know alot about this but it’s a young man’s game I had to switch work it really kills you almost everything causes cancer smh

I believe that you can definitely reach those goals especially if you built a solid natural base like that you probably did grow like a weed those first 2wks.
I bet your diet has to be huge to put on weight working construction especially water proofing
Oh yes waterproofing is a bad mf not for the weak hearted. Only thing keeping me in it now is I’m sub contracting so it pays a little better but trust I’m transitioning to easier money like crypto and real estate cuz I know waterproofing will break u down eventually. And yea i was a hard gainer at first and hard to put on weight but nothing chicken breasts (or 1.25 in steaks) a dozen eggs and a loaded protein shake daily couldnt fix 😂
I really hope that you stick around brother you will fit right in I used to keep a plastic bag in my pocket full of diced chicken and pop them all day to be able to eat enough because after those conditions you can barely stay hydrated or fed the amount of weight you gained is legit.
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