TEST E first cycle results


Active member
I’ve seen a lot of people compare test e and test c and say they work about the same has anybody ran a test e only cycle ? What was the dosage and the results from this ?
Thanks guys
Truly the only difference is the molecular structure of the bonded ester. So half lifes a little slightly different. One may say due to test Cyp being a longer ester with an attached hydrogen you may have a slight more water retention. But again every person and human gentic coding is different. So best is to try both cycles and compare what works best for you and most importantly how your blood work reacts to the different compounds.

As far as dosage again- varies with mg per ml but a great base is 500mg a week into 2 shots weekly. So 1cc of 250mg Monday and another 1cc on Thursday.

Best brother!
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When I first got into this years ago all I was able to get was test e. I ran it for years, I prefer cyp because, for me, cyp is slightly smoother. As far as dosage and results go they are interchangeable IMO.