Use a taper up with prop to your dosage and then continue with a long ester. If you’re using alot of testosterone at once it can give you testosterone flu from solvents or from the testosterone itself.
Only time I got Test flu was kicking off at a 1.5 grams a week. That subsided pretty quick. As @Bigmurph stated and I do is ramp up to your heavy dose. Another lesson learned for me.
So instead of doing 200mg-250mg twice a week of a long ester I should do 100 mg of prop EOD (4 shots) for the first week? Or maybe 75 because of the difference in ester weight?
Yeah this can help your body get used to the chemicals you can also start at a lower dose and then each week raise it up and then switch over it should help.
Both of these are low dosing examples and you would never get test flu. (Or I would never get test flu from this dosing. It’s more like TRT dosing. Or slightly above TRT.) Dont sweat every scenario or read too much into all the side effects. Because everyone reacts differently. I got a buddy. Jumps in at 2 grams of test. Never had test flu…
I just worry because flu like symptoms are the last thing anyone needs right now lol. I’ll go a bit lower in the first week just in case and then ramp up more the following weeks
I am at 280mg a week for TRT. So 400 or 500 isn’t a huge bump for me. Depends on your numbers. But even 500 is not test flu levels. You have to know your body. Not every write up you read is for you. Or me. I got a friend that will jump on at one gram then next week be at 2 grams and nothing. Look at it this way. You take aspirin right? What are the side effects of aspirin? Not every one gets it. Some do. But to answer your question a 1/2 a gram a week is not a lot. At all. (Test flu speaking.)
9 weeks. Donating blood tomorrow then get blood work a week after. I just haven’t because of the virus and my doctor being closed for a while. That being said I know my body really well and how I feel etc.
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