Testosterone no ester and anxiety


i bet your talking about these
Excellent. Yup, I don’t get any money from them,

But strong lifts has a 5x5 app and they have another version called mad cow

You can visit their website to check out their thoughts before you buy.
To add
You to my log. Just did BF. Down to 17.75 from 23 Weight
Up 3 pounds. New ffmi is 27. Gained 14 pounds muscle so far in 3 months. 1 month left on current cycle. Told @Optumpharma my goals and he set me up with the right gear. Guys at UG set me up with right diet and exercise ideas. And encouragement.
The health industry likes to use BMI to calculate your health and risks. See picture. According to the BMI calculator my BMI is over 33. It is higher then obese on the chart. Now look at the chart for body fat. Mine is in the fitness range. Pretty good for an old man like me. Yet BMI says I am a major risk because my weight.

FFMI is Fat Free Mass Index which is a much better tool to assess someone’s health because it takes into account more variables than BMI. It is often used in the fitness world. FFMI can also be a good tool to assess someone’s potential!! See charts below




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Thank you for that. As of now I am excellent and under suspicious… That means I can sneak still.