Was doing some late night reading & came across this new (well new to me, def not new) type of testosterone. & upon further research its superior to all other test ethers, so where is it? & I mean that of course in reference to the bodybuilding community. I don’t hear about it or about it being run as the test in cycles!? Anyways, here a brief description:
Testosterone Theramex (also known as Testosterone Heptylate Theramex) is an oil-based injectable French testosterone made by the French pharmaceutical company Laboratoire Theramex. The folks at Theramex are the sole producers of Testosterone Theramex and have been manufacturing it since 1955. It obviously has a long and successful track record and is rated very highly by French, Dutch and Belgian athletes as an inexpensive and cost-effective anabolic/androgenic agent that’s excellent for rapid buildup of strength and muscle mass. Bodybuilders and athletes who use testosterone heptylate believe that milligram-per-milligram, it is more effective for gains in mass and strength than either enanthate, cypionate or propionate. They believe Testosterone Theramex is stronger than any of the previously mentioned testosterone esters.
According to the World Anabolic Review 1996, ‘Testosterone Heptylate Theramex leads to a strong protein synthesis in the muscle cell and promotes recovery to a high degree. Athletes report an enormous pump effect during the workout and a noticeable appetite increase after only days of intake. The gains usually consist of solid muscle, since the water retention that occurs during intake is usually lower than with enanthate and cypionate.
Testosterone Theramex (also known as Testosterone Heptylate Theramex) is an oil-based injectable French testosterone made by the French pharmaceutical company Laboratoire Theramex. The folks at Theramex are the sole producers of Testosterone Theramex and have been manufacturing it since 1955. It obviously has a long and successful track record and is rated very highly by French, Dutch and Belgian athletes as an inexpensive and cost-effective anabolic/androgenic agent that’s excellent for rapid buildup of strength and muscle mass. Bodybuilders and athletes who use testosterone heptylate believe that milligram-per-milligram, it is more effective for gains in mass and strength than either enanthate, cypionate or propionate. They believe Testosterone Theramex is stronger than any of the previously mentioned testosterone esters.
According to the World Anabolic Review 1996, ‘Testosterone Heptylate Theramex leads to a strong protein synthesis in the muscle cell and promotes recovery to a high degree. Athletes report an enormous pump effect during the workout and a noticeable appetite increase after only days of intake. The gains usually consist of solid muscle, since the water retention that occurs during intake is usually lower than with enanthate and cypionate.