Thanks for having me everyone

Welcome to ugm brother
Im always here to help hit me up anytime.
I like that you have learned alot but winstrol might not be the right compound for you.
We can always discuss this more with another post in the cycle discussion category.
Again welcome and glad to have you around
thank you… i will stear away from gear for now… i appreciate the feedback!..

What about a cutting SARM? will this do the same thing and supress my natural testosterone? or would you recommend trying that out? We have a “reaper resurrection” cutting sarm that is sold right down the street… would that be a better route to try?
If you have SARMS being sold out in the open and in public it is not real. The new laws in regard to AAS extend to SARMS and they are a schedule III. You can often find them as “research chems.” SARMS are still very new(er) in this world and in my opinion haven’t been tested long enough in humans for me to trust that I won’t grow a dick out of my back some day or similar lol. In all seriousness though, a great majority of SARMS were designed to mimic exogenous testosterone and some studies have found certain ones to be suppressive to your natural testosterone. You will really just have to do some research on them as the majority of us on this board do not use them. If you need help finding more information after you’ve looked or you have additional questions let me know. I can find an answer for you.