Thanks UGM for your support! Fight night Sat 4-28


Gearchurch sponsored athlete
@Bigmurph @TG @Fitraver @fitstudboi @John @Islandswole @MBTJR1980 & last but not least @Iron_Junkie_Labs. Sorry if I missed anyone but this thanks and gratitude goes to all of UGM for welcoming me into your community as one of your own. You guys and gals have given me invaluable knowledge and love and it’s greatly appreciated as well as has been implemented into my training and routine so that’s for everyone of your help and encouragement!

Just wanted to drop a post to my brothers and sisters here on UGM. Saturday night is fight night. Originally scheduled for the 21st but as I discussed with my sponsor @Iron_Junkie_Labs it was pushed back a week (from the 21st to the 28th) to due to my opponents rehabbing an elbow injury.

We had a tremendous training camp. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my trainer who I feel is one of the best in the business and doesn’t get enough credit for all the work he puts in. Same goes for alot of other trainers, fighters get to where they are bc of the hard work of their trainers. They dedicate themselves to their fighters day in and day out and definitely put in the work to help us succeed and be at our best. So a special thank you to my trainer bc without his dedication and hard work busting his ass right along side me I wouldn’t be where I’m at right now.

As far as the training and camp itself was very intense from week 2 through week 7 (got an extra week due to opponents injury a couple weeks back) this past week we worked really hard on our gameplan and again on Monday, had a light workout on Tuesday and Wednesday through Friday we rest and got mentally prepared to go in there and do our thing Saturday night. We will have the official weigh-in Friday afternoon. I feel stronger and faster than ever and I’m 💯% ready.

I have no doubt I’m going to come out of this one with the W. We have a very good gameplan and we intend on sticking to it and force this guy to fight my fight. If he thinks I’m going to stay on the outside and try to box bc I’m smaller than him he’s in for a big surprise. (Plan A) I’m coming straight ahead right from the opening bell, we originally planned on using my strength in stamina to drag him down the stretch and wear him down for a knockout in the later rounds but we decided to go a different and unexpected route. We’ll see how that goes and if adjustments need to be made we’ll make the appropriate adjustments and keep going. Something we worked a lot on in training was power shots and going forward against bigger fighters and forcing them to fight defensively. I’ve always had spark and knockout power in the lighter weight classes but as fighters move up they are not always able to bring that power up with them. I fortunately have been able to carry my power and actually add more with the help of my trainer and conditioning coach also with the assistance of IJL I’ve maintained my speed and quickness and I’m just as accurate as ever, not only that I feel stronger 💪 and faster on my feet than I ever have. After this fight and win, bc I will win my trainer has already had discussions with the trainer & manager of the #5 ranked semi-pro boxer (who fights between 130-140 in all divisions between lightweight, super lightweight & light welterweight divisions) in the state. They have agreed to accept the fight “if I win this one” as they say. This is the sort of opportunity I’ve been waiting and working so hard for since getting back into the ring about 3 years ago after coming back from a broken femur that I suffered in a car accident that derailed my boxing dreams and career. I was told at the time I would never get back in the ring. Well that was all the motivation I needed. Not only have I got back in the ring, I’ve stayed extremely active fighting 3-4 times a year over the last 3 years and I’ve been beating everyone they put in front of me regardless of weight class. Again I’m not a cocky fighter in only speaking on what is fact and what my abilities are. I have incredible belief in my skills & talent and im very confident inside that ring as to what I’m capable of. So this guy tomorrow night is the only thing standing in my way of getting the fight that could put me in the conversation as p4p (pound for pound) the best semi-pro in the state. I’m ready to bring the fireworks! 💥🥊💥🥊 I told this guy when they asked for this fight he didn’t want this smoke:dash: and I’m going to prove that Saturday night. Hopefully this will be my last “underground” semi-pro fight and i will be back to making a little more real cash by getting the bigger more publicized fights and back more in the spotlight where I belong! As my great sponsor IJL mentioned I feel like a well oiled machine. Thanks again for each and every one of your support along the way UGM! The talking is over! 🥊🥊
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Awesome! Awesome!! I am so proud of your determination, dedication and skill and extremely hard work. You are such an awesome example of hard work and focus pays off. You are no doubt. material for great and notable success in your field. Major congrats to you in your success so far in proving that you can and will!! May you have the win in this next fight! Please keep us posted!.. i for one and i am sure the rest of us are rooting for your success and greatly appreciate you being here and us being a part of your world. 😃😃😃😃😃
Awesome brother…what a warrior you are, the victory is already yours. You are well prepared, well trained, well motivated…you already won. I admire mma fighters, i love everything about it…there is an awesome future for you there. Let me pray with you right now: Father you said in your word where two or more gather…you are in the midst, so we know you are with us, I lift up in prayer my brother N8GainTrain, we pray father for a victory, we pray father for success, we pray father for an awesome spectacle that day where my brother will show the amazing fighter he is; we ask you father that you be with him that day, that you give him the wisdom to fight a great fight, that you give him the strength and power to defeat the opponent. We thank you for the journey to get here and for all the blessings you offered. The victory is already his…In Jesus name we pray.
@Pastor I cannot thank you enough for not only your words of encouragement just most importantly praying for me. That is truly awesome brother and a great gift from you. For the record though most of our brothers here on UGM are aware Im a boxer and my craft is the sweet science of boxing and not an MMA fighter although I do have the utmost respect for those guys.
Forgive beloved for that misunderstanding on my part. I train everyday in a boxing gym. i HAVE MAD PASSION for boxing…i have 3 amateur fights myself in the early 80"s. Am very greatful you have received the prayer, which will keep going daily in my prayers. God bless you champion
@Iron_Junkie_Labs! I’m proud to represent y’all as well! Thank you for your continued support of me as well as your invaluable advice to me! My only regret is not getting some TNE to run hour an before my walkout… although I don’t think it’s going to be necessary. I plan on putting on a show and showcasing my talents in this one and leave absolutely no doubt!🥊🤖💪:facepunch:💯



