We get those up here, as well as timber rattlers… we used to pop them with .22’s when we were kids. Luckily they’re only active in late spring and summer here, otherwise it’s too cold for them
Both of my daughters are lethal with firearms. The oldest daughter in the pic is also an avid hunter. Takes down several dear and turkey a year with bows and firearms.
Just guessing… probably can but they live/thrive in swamps waterways mud marsh etc down here so I would assume they would have a “muddy” taste. Our wild caught catfish down here are like that…on the coast anyways.
Haha this brings back memories of a hike I went on with my son, everythings going great then I hear a shriek and the shotgun goes off. Turned around to find a rattlesnake with its head blown off still chasing my son. It was a great time lol.
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