Thinking about a short cycle


Well-known member
Thinking a low level of test either TRT does or a little higher and another compound. It would be a 6-8 cycle

In the past I had done 2 cycles one with test only and orals

Then another with test npp and hgh that was 18 weeks long

Not on anything right now, my size is good just want a little more for strength for when I compete in jiu jitsu

What you guys think would be a nice second compound for strength and size?

Going for the less is more in the dosage department
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Npp was really really nice. My joints felt amazing

Thought about tren but the sides of effecting cardio and such I don’t think will help out
Test/NPP/Mast and Winny. Very dry gains, along with some size and hella strength.

Test: 300/wk
Mast: 350-400/wk
Winny: 50/Day for 6 weeks

Run cycle for at least 12 weeks, but you could run longer at lower dose, along with a liver pill, and get your hands on some Micardis which has tons of health benefits.

6-8 weeks will net something, but you’ll just be getting to the good stuff by week 6! That’s just my 2cents and in no way is gospel by any means. It’s just what has been good to me and has kept me lean during whole thing at a maintenance level of calories and macros.


My test expired 02/2022, it was kept in a cool dey place

Should I just get new ones I assume For potency?
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If I take winstrol on my first pin wild that be bad because the test needs to kick in? Should I wait till week 2 ?

I have a couple winny left so I might as well use them
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