SB Labs

Thioderon (mepitiostane)


Thioderon (mepitiostane)

Chemical Names

2alpha, 3alpha,-epithio-Salpha-androstane
Estrogenic Activity none
Progestational Activity none

Mepitiostane is a 17-beta etherified derivative of
epitiostane. The ether is necessary to facilitate oral dosing, which occurs via the lymphatic system very similar to Anabolicum Vister (quinbolone). As such, epitiostane is actually the active steroid that is provided to the user once the ether is removed metabolically, which is a non-methylated (non-hepatotoxic) derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Mepitiostane is a moderately anabolic steroid, which displays roughly the same anabolic effect as methyltestosterone on a milligram for milligram basis, at least according to standard animal assays. This activity is accompanied by only a mild androgenic component, however, which makes this steroid primarily anabolic in nature. It is also non-aromatizable, and possesses antiestrogenic properties. Although this steroid is not widely used by athletes and bodybuilders, it exhibits favorable lean muscle building properties, which tend to be accompanied by fat loss and increased definition.