Third Cycle Assistance


Well-known member
Whats up fam.

I am in the midst of planning my third cycle for the beginning of September and wanted all of your thoughts.

I had great success on my first cycle of 500mg Test and my second cycle of 600mg Test and 300mg NPP.

Test and NPP cycle I also did 4 weeks of Dbol 50mg and ended on 4 weeks of Anavar 50mg. Total time on second cycle was 16 weeeks.

Looking to gear up for a third cycle and I was planning on running 600 Test and 300 NPP but this time with superdrol, since I plan on being a strength athlete and maybe transitioining into strongman training as I get older.

I am currently 210lbs and leaning out.

Overall goals is to get a little leaner and stronger (I know conflicting goals lmao), but I have my diet dialed in so I’m not too worried about the scale numbers.

Overall I would like to look especially good naked while at the very least maintaining my strength.

For strength program I plan on running a powerlifting program (Sheiko specifically), which would be a 4 day split that’s more or less based off my one rep max. It’s Russian style submaximal powerlifting training.

I guess ultimately considering my goals and programming should I just run my second cycle as my third cycle just w/ added superdrol?


Thanks as usual brothers for the shared knowledge, gains, and laughs
futureICUdoc said:
Looking to gear up for a third cycle and I was planning on running 600 Test and 300 NPP but this time with superdrol,
I think that this is a good 3rd cycle and you will definitely make gains as long as you eat right
I don’t know how I’m the only one that caught it? That’s super important information. Like vital to your liver health.
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Again I feel the clen is not giving me appetite suppressant and I’m just still gaining mass Won’t be surprise if I’m 300 by my bday gaha
Thanks all for the help so my understanding so far is

600mg Test pin MWF 1-16
450mg NPP pin MWF 1-12

50mg Anadrol weeks 1-2; 5-6
20mg Superdrol weeks 12-16

250 IU HcG every 3 days
@Bigmurph and @NeuroRN

As I’ve done more reading I noticed that Anadrol has the potential of causing gyno, but not through aromatization like test. I was just wondering if you guys had any input into prevention? I’m assuming the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off should mitigate it, but just curious if I need to be preapred to run nolva too.
I think Anadrol gyno is a progesterone problem? Or maybe prolactin I could be wrong. I’d say the two on two off would be straight and nolva and AI on hand is always a good idea just in case
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