This Installment Of Wheres BigMurph

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Staff member
I was watching a bit of the Montreal Canadians sweep of the last series… their enforcer messed someone up bad and hit the penalty box… the camera was zoomed in on him… but pulled back as the dude was taking his helmet off… shaved head… gnarled up nose with a few scars… yep that was him…

Just in case some of y’all were wondering where he slides off to…
I understand, I havent been doin to great either with my eating habits past few weeks,I know your situation, my excuse is just being lazy and slacking, your isnt.
Its about the same but I had some problems but I should be good now but I haven’t gotten back on even trt I believe leveling that off will help also with feeling better I believe my 300 test isn’t cutting it
That’s the truth I believe that it would be a good starter cycle to see where im at with using aas moving forward atleast in large amounts I will always use trt and if necessary hgh or another peptide
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I think it’s a great cycle, although when I do it, I run my test substantially higher then normal,usually 700-800 week, 75 proviron daily
I can’t go that high because of my bp I would run 400mg with 50mg proviron. I might add some npp maybe a little will see lol
I gotcha, I have BP issues also,and just test n proviron dont affect it,thankfully.
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