This the season to be bulking


How’s it going brothers ! So I recently decided that I’m going to run a cycle soon of test e 600mg deca 300mg and dbol at 25-50mg first 4 weeks. I’ll Be running my ai 1mg weekly or as needed with my prolactin support as well nac and all that other great stuff !! Stats are 34 5’7 180lbs somewhere around 12-15% bf . Goal is to get up to possibly around 195 :gorilla:Just wanted to see what everyone’s thoughts were on this cycle and tweaks or changes ! Thanks in advance
Looks good. You should hit 195 no problem. Keeping your calories clean will help with water retention. Are you running this for 12 or 16 weeks? Keep us posted with your progress!
First pic was after my first cycle of test only ever started at 130lbs finished around 155 second pic was this last month before Thanksgiving sitting at around 180+after a test and deca only cycle . Just for everyone wondering
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Damn bro you gained 25 solid pounds that’s awesome!!! I’ve never run deca but I have run NPP and man do I feel great on the stuff. Just an option you may want to research. I had a friend run deca and he didn’t like it. That’s all I got. Oh and Tren kicked my ass. Didn’t respond good to that I wanted to fight with everyone and it sent my cholesterol through the roof.
Thanks brother @Rusty it wasn’t easy but I loved the results . Yeah I did get some sides from the deca witch is why I stay at 300 no more then that . I definitely keep npp in mind and do some research before I do start this next cycle who knows maybe have to get some to try . Would it still mix in well with dbol ? As for tren yes I’ve heard all too much about those sides witch is why I have yet to experiment with .will see where my journey takes me !!!
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Sounds good thanks for your info … I’ll do some more research and possibly go this route with test npp and dbol less water is always good . :muscle:t3:🦍
@Vargas33 I like deca over npp, any problems that people talk are usually their dick not workin on it, which proviron will fix that and free up more test at the same time, and bloat which pre/pro biotics help fix that problem to, they did for me.
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Yes I liked deca my body reacted well to it . Diet wasn’t 110% so I did notice some slight sides but all in all loved the results . Now the goal is to get to 190 -195 but shredded like I was in the first pic … will see I know I gotta bulk up more to get there though
I think you’ll very likely need way more than 1mg arimidex a week. I need double that just on 250mg test a week. Make sure you have plenty arimidex before you start your cycle, Looks good though man.
Thanks for the info brother definitely will have to get more before I start but I’m one of the lucky few that my estrogen doesn’t take off on me . But yes your 100% right with me going with the dbol and deca together this go around my estrogen can easily take over .
I’m currently running similar cycle. I’m enjoying deca. I’ve haven’t run npp so I can’t compare. I did bloat up initially with dbol and deca but it hasn’t been bad once the dbol stopped. FYI I stopped the dbol because it was time not due to issues. Just my 2 cents
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