Thoughts on arimistane

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If it’s real arimidex there’s no difference in that and liquid form. Just like regular Tylenol and liquid Tylenol.
I have used the liquid Adex. Works well and fast. Just make sure you have a dropper with measurements on it. I mixed mine with a small glass of sprite. Cause it tasted like gasoline. 😀
I’m gonna try it just with test but really wanted to do a small var n test cycle n throw some arimidex to control my high estrogen.
I think for me I was dumb and used on sarm only a cycle I had zero test being produced so adding that crashed any estro I may have had
Bro. Estrogen is a good thing. It’s the most anabolic thing we have going for us besides food. Find your sweet spot of estrogen. Mine is mid to hi 60’s. If you don’t feel side effects from estro don’t use an a’i. Just saying cause I love higher estro when it’s not in the dangerous range
I agree brother I love the high E when I crashed I felt like shit and my doctor even told me to chill on the arimidex for a minute. I’ve always had naturally high E even before I got on testosterone and I haven’t notice any bad effects yet but I haven’t dosed an AI in about 2 months. Put on some size but now I’m feeling the bloating and water weight and more prone to being emotional to things in general.

Even with the arimidex I was having high E issues. I’m @ 250mg test a week I just feel like my body aromatizes way easier than others. Definitely need some estrogen @ the right amount
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