SB Labs

Thyroid T3, T4, TSH Question

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I am completely ignorant of the Thyroid and its function. I presented the below results to my PCP Doc and was told they are of no concern. Does anyone have a working knowledge of the Thyroid and can provide feedback on these markers?

TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone = 2.50 uIU/mL (Reference Range 0.45 - 5.33)
T3 - Free triiodothyronine = 0.8 pg/mL (Reference Range 2.5 - 3.9)
T4 - Free Thyroxine = 0.68 ng/dL (Reference Range 0.59 - 1.22)

My questions are:
  1. I have read optimal levels of TSH levels under 2.0. Is this correct?
  2. I have read optimal levels of T3 are 3.0 to 3.9. Is this correct?
  3. I have read optimal levels of T4 are around 1. Is this correct?
  4. What would be a protocol to achieve these levels, and is it worth pursuing?
  5. I read raising T3 would help mitigate joint pain, brain fog, low energy in the afternoon, low SHBG, high LDL, night time Carpal tunnel, and libido issues? (or is it just another magic bullet that doesn’t exist)
  6. What am I not seeing or considering about all this?
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My libido was high when I took t3 but that may have been the 1g of test and 600mg of deca I used for first time. If you use t3 it will provide more energy but it has no care if what itt burns as Weightt loss drug. I get super hungry using it.
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Full disclosure: the thyroid fucks my brain up. Every time I think I understand completely… I learn I know nothing, Jon Snow.

DING DING DING. winner winner chicken dinner. Now you know why you have SHBG troubles. It’s directly relational to t3. Bing bong. You win.

To the uninitiated these numbers wouldn’t warrant interventions. However, we are initiated.

TSH is definitely creeping up.

I would pursue Armour Thyroid. It’s desiccated T4/t3. In the appropriate ratio. We often treat one and fuck the other one.

Not to mention synthroid has horrible long term health implications.
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The hormones have a lot of other little helpers, to help with a healthy cascade. But, the basics is T3 is the worker. T4 is converted to T3. TSH is trickky but it called thyroid stimulating hormone. High TSh is telling the body to make T4. But, you can have normal T3 levels and producing a lot of T4 starts to have bad effects. Hashimotos thyroiditis is a perfect example of this causing “hypothyroid” For bodybuilding which is crazy anyway, you would take T3 as it will " get you leaner" but iy will take some muscle with it. Eventually yoir body says we have enough T3 and stops producing T4 and the enzymes that help convert. I would take T3 like 6 weeks to 2weeks out. This is a very crude example of whats going on . GH, and other things will fuck with T4 production, guys used to take T 4 with it. If your tests are normal , this is a cacade i would not fuck with. Sometimes we forget the vitamins or pro hormonal ezymes that are vital to normal function.
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appreciate your response…

The thyroid is a mystical magical thing that possibly can present many issues similar to those we seek resolution from via trt.

It also seems to be linked to low test in a way.

This a deep and interesting Rabbit Hole I tripped into again…

Game on.
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Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
I ordered this book to read
I like it! I’ve got a pretty good library built up over the years.

I’ve found reading material of this nature also doubles as a sleep aid.
Like, TRT, that the doctor’s have archaic protocols and dogmatic beliefs on hypothyroid treatment.
So this guy distills all the newer med papers pretty well.

There are like 5 different medicine combo to manipulate the 3 major bio markers.
Everyone responses differently to them too.

I really just want to “test run” to see if I have symptom resolution (joints, energy, SHBG, LDL) from treatment or if it’s just a magic bullet i’m chasing or the missing piece.

I have no interest in being on another medicine (T3) taken 3 time a day possibly. One in which doctors, like test, don’t like prescribing. Apparently, they heavily favor T4 medicine which is a precursor to our bodies making T3 but many don’t convert very well in vivo.

I also need to test for Hashimoto’s to rule that out as well.
Please let us know if you have the antibodies for Hashimoto thyroiditis.
I have been figting this with my partner for 2 years. It layed dormant for 20+ years. By chance , our internist is a very well educated physician due to 3 generations in wifes family and a couple patients and then their daughters or in laws. Prominent in women as are most verifiable auto -immune " diseases" honestly, it would be easier to remove the thyroid . And live on the medication. The diet is rough but it became evident that Gluten and refined sugar, and cut out dairy too. It wreaked havoc on “everything” . I was pretty shredded when we really tightened the diet. Inflammation of the intestine like IBS, tired as fuck and weight gain. Shes on track. Sugar is like crack. I use sugar as a catch all. At about 7 days we both felt like please just let me have anything sweet. There are "sugar free and gluten-free " candies but the sugar alcohol makes you pay a price! Luckily, night shades and gluten free pasta is ok. It all ends up as glucose but that isnt a problem. I have to sneak a snicker bar or pizza. Otherwise, i would of murdered somebody. Long story short hopefully you dont have any of that. Peace.
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