SB Labs

Total T levels and Testosterone cycling Question

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Well-known member
This topic just dawned on me last night, and really wanted to ask some of you more experienced guys. Excuse my newbie question here. I thought awesome, 400 - 500 mgs of test a week is the enhancement for a general beginner cycle , males can naturally produce test around this range so I was like wait a minute… didn’t really occur to me about peak test levels being x4 or x5 of that maybe week 4 & beyond?

Is there a difference in your total T levels based on the type of test your using if you were to get bloodwork while your levels are peaking maybe 4 - 6 weeks into a cycle? Is it different with short acting esters vs long / the type of Test your using let’s say for example Test P vs Test Cyp? Could your peak T levels be higher using Test C because it has a longer half life? Maybe better ability for last pins to stack up? Hence an ability to make better gains?

Vs let’s say you were using test propionate or test suspension has a fast acting ester, it’s release time is quicker so you have to inject more frequently to get the same effectiveness of test c? or in general can you always push higher test levels using test c? Thanks guys.
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General rule of thumb is that your test levels should be around 5 times the dose you take so 200 mg of cyp Or prop your test level should be around 1000
The difference comes from the ester your test levels will get to 1000 quicker with prop but for them to stay up you have to inject more often where as cyp would take a few weeks to peak to 1000 with shots less often I hope that makes sense. Im sure there are others that can go further in detail most if any males are not going to produce levels that 400-500 mgs of test will produce I would say 250mg max compared to natural and that would prob be rare
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yeah makes sense, and your saying the effectiveness of a total of 250mgs pinned once a week could maybe MAX be naturally produced right? vs no way the effectiveness of 4-500 a wk? Thanks Bro :+1:t3:
The big difference is the esters is the amount of bio available test with each ester. Use the magnifying glass and look up Ester weights. Prop has the most bio-available test. Then test e has 1-2mg more than cyp.
Ester weights and active lives Steroid Profiles
Ester weights and active life. The mgs below are the estimated amount of active hormone you get per 100mg of ester and active hormone. Boldenone base: 100mg Boldenone acetate: 83mg Boldenone Propionate: 80mg Boldenone Cypionate: 69mg Boldenone Undecylenate: 61mg Clostebol Base: 100mg Clostebol Acetate: 84mg Clostebol Enanthate: 72mg Drostanolone Base: 100mg Drostanolone Propionate: 80mg Drostanolone Enanthate: 71mg Methenolone Base: 100mg Methenolone Acetate: 82mg Methenolone Enan…
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