Touch down for rusty


Thanks savage labs for quick service good communication and quick delivery. Very discreet. Time to get back in it. I will be getting a quantitative test from roid test soon and will post results.



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You’re seasoned so I’m sure you may have some tricks up your sleeve or may already do these few things below but if not.

Try tanning few times a week, use benzoyl peroxide soap 2x daily, keeping your sky a little dryer always seemed to do the trick for me and prevented most if not all breakouts.

Another good one is using tretinoin it regenerates your skin and minimizes any scary
Honestly am not really seasoned. Done maybe five cycles. Bacne is an issue so I will try that. I’m 16 percent more bf then at end of last cycle cause kid had cancer and ended up in jail for DUI and got outta discipline with diet and exercise so time to get back to it. Will keep log.
I’m gonna say this once, and then be done because you rarely listen to sound logic from people who are more seasoned and stand nothing to gain from trying to help you.


If you are 16% body fat higher than this… what the fuck are you doing running tren and Tbol?

Did you stay on top of your trt? What’s your current test level? What about your other lab markers that have been historically high? Did you check them since you have been off working and not training and eating like shit? Are you even remotely healthy? How’s your sleep? How’s your diet? How’s your drinking? Have you thought of how you will train since you’ve done nothing in the gym for who knows how long? Or will you jump right back in full steam ahead and be complaining of how much your new injury hurts in a month?

If you’re that out of shape and you jump into 500mg of test. Tren. And tbol. You’re asking for an injury. And your already admit to overtraining when you do train? Cmon dude. You’re getting old. You got kids. You have an allegedly booming business.

Weren’t you on cycle when you got your dui? Or went to jail or whatever the fuck you did? You seem to cycle in and out of obsessions and addictions. So maybe this time try to be obsessive about your ACTUAL health instead of the ego boost you get from the gear.

You’re gonna do whatever you want, regardless of what is the clear best and safest path forward and use whatever excuse you can think of to do it… so go on and do it. But this wouldn’t be UGM unless someone tried to keep you from making yet another dumb choice in regards to your cycle and training.
Ouch…. @Rusty… I don’t disagree with @Neuro.

Maybe a wise(r) decision would be to maintain or get back on dr prescribed trt… do as stated above…

Full blood panel

Get back in gym…SLOWLY….like take 6 months to work back into it. Can’t go wrong with pushups and walking… all body weight movements.

Shave off some poundage… you would be surprised how much bw you should lose to feel better at your age… not just feeling better but having an actual healthy body.

If I remember correctly… you’re rolling on 50yo…brother it gets waaay worse. Trust me. You’re at the point in life that an injury (you could have recovered from 10 years ago) very well could be catastrophic. Get hurt in the gym… no worky… no money for family.

I get the part you were working making money for your fam and times are good work wise… “make hay while the sun shines”…getting “back in shape” needs to be “planned out”… especially at your age.

One last thing…

“this wouldn’t be UGM unless someone tried to keep you from making yet another dumb choice in regards to your cycle and training.”

@Neuro is giving sound advice here…harsh as usual (I would expect no less) but sound.

Don’t think I haven’t heard the same thing about my a1c and diabetes problems. Several years ago @Neuro and @TBU pretty much gave me the same speech about my blood sugar. Extremely harsh but I needed to hear it. Not to be overly dramatic but they probably saved me from a (shorter) lifetime of all kinds of nasties. @Neuro still “scolds” me occasionally… deservedly so. Sometimes the voice of reason needs to come from outside of our own head.
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Apologies…I’m on my soapbox… maybe stash your latest score till next summer. It’ll keep till then.

Get back to recording everything you stuff in your cake hole…

A good example is @Dirtnasty making the decision to pass on last attempts at the pl meet. Very mature decision and as I tell baby girl… he was using his noodle.
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Appreciate all the concern and advice. I have maintained TRT. Have been spending time in gym lately using moderate to light weight working on slow eccentric moves and isoholds for example no heavier then 20 pound dumbbells. No bench no deadlifts no squats except belt squats. I have been doing kick boxing with kids and occasionally circuit training similar to CrossFit WODs. Need to do more. I have been taking metformin and telemestartin. Diets is not dialed in yet but making better choices for on the fly meals like instead of buys breakfast sandwhich from gas station buying a single serving cottage cheese. Staying hydrated. Using the super greens Costco brand for vitamins and minerals. I definitely plan on full bloods prior to starting a cycle. Have already lost 8 pounds. My last stint in jail has taught me a healthy fear of consequences. My heart has settled on the fact that it is time for a new season in life with my priorities and choices to be a better role model and be the best version of me. I figured the small dose of Tren to help me to not lose too much muscle while being in caloric deficit and 20 mg of tbol for preworkout I thought was very mild. Maybe I should wait on the Tren or use an even lower dose like 50 mg per week. 500 mg of test is only doubling my TRT dose. Maybe that’s too much. Wasn’t thinking of jumping on cycle right away but wanted to take advantage of the deal being offered by our new sponsor. Honestly wanted to wait until I got my BF down to around 22 or 23 as the test will aromatize more with higher BF which I don’t want. What would you recommend for cycle @Neuro And @Poppy Thanks also for the missles your firing at me. I know it’s out of care so I don’t mind owning up to my past either.
Just looking out brother.

Of course my advice is just that…advice.

The one certain thing I DO know about… the aging process just blows. A person has to make extremely razor focused decisions because the consequences can be dire.
What is your TRT weekly dosages? That would be a good start for 6-8 month’s minimum with a good diet and training. After a year dialing it in, I’d think about increasing test for a bit. Maybe go from 200mg a week to 400 a week for 12 weeks total to see if that helps out. Being older, your bad sides will be more prominent than when you were in your 30s or 40s. I tried bumping mine up a few months ago, and it really fucked up my panels. Wasn’t worth it. If you are prepping for a BB contest or PL contest, I can understand. But doing a new cycle on the open end? Might want to rethink this plan. Like others on here, it’s advice. But health should be first. 😅
I’d literally would go 300 after a good 6 months of training on TRT. And I mean 5 days a week training. train hard. And see progress. THEN look at if you want to hit 300. 😅