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Training/ fat burn advice

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The most important thing is consistency. When you hit a wall…keep pushing…change something up to shock your body.

You’re still a young lady.
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Use the magnifying glass “SARMs Ebook”. You can download an ebook from steroidify. Hopefully it can help
Not a lot of long term research on sarms. I have read in order to get similar affects of AAS using sarms you have to take large doses. There are folks here that have used sarms in that capacity and it really messed up their hormones bad. @Dirtnasty wanna chime in? At least with AAS you know what your dealing with and what to expect
I’d also echo not getting into “fat burning supplements” and probably gear at this time. From my experience, while cardio is important you may be doing it too often and/or most likely too high of intensity. When burning calories from cardio it will always be a combination of carbs/fats. So if doing a lot of intense cardio you could be losing weight but also losing a decent amount of muscle along with the fat so changes may not be very significant in mirror. More fat with low intensity but I believe studies show this ultimately is a wash as later in day you will burn more carbs proportionally (end all be all is calories in calories out). IMO weight training is really the main way to actually change your body composition let alone this will also increase metabolism with the added muscle leading to more fat loss. Just a few tips and my 0.02. Best of luck!
I’m a PT who mostly works with wt loss female clients. Here is some of my general advice:

Increase your non exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) - walking, moving more (average 70K steps per week)

Track your Kcal intake best you can

Make sure you are getting 7-9 hrs of sleep per day

Don’t be afraid of lifting heavy and getting strong

Watch your hunger with cardio - too much cardio may make you ravenous and offset your Kcal deficit

Resistance train 3-4 days per week

Track your weight regularly and make necessary changes

Drink lots of water

Get in about .75 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day - it is the most satiating macro

Aim for 25 grams or more of fiber per day

Do not bring trigger foods into the house

Do not drink Kcals

Look into ECA stack Ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin - it is a thermogenic stimulant
Thing is I’ve never had a sloppy diet I eat pretty well and don’t gorge or deny myself . 40+ and I hit the skids shape wise which also is a factor or the female composition when it comes to hormones . I might have choose to ignore a lot of this because denial is a powerful tool when we consider ourselves invincible against Mother Natures intentions 🤣 alas I’m still here trying to figure out how to reverse her decisions on my body .
Training is going well yes I am still pushing hard and pressing myself to lift heavier add in more cardio and also stopped dieting like an egjit and switched to calorie deficit and monitor that closely. It’s paying off some however I think the body reacts so differently as we get wiser ( I won’t say older 🙈) what used to work now almost is the opposite. HRT also does not help seems to have an adverse effect on me so switched to oestrogen cream 3 weeks ago. I need to give that change time to settle in and pace where I’m at then.
Hi all new here and hoping to gain some advice . 44 year old female Irish hitting cardio and weights 5 / 6 days a week. Struggling with weight loss in the last 2 years - varied health reasons now resolved . Food / diet mainly keto. Hoping to gain some knowledge on fat burning stacks within this community
Maggiemay said:
I think the body reacts so differently as we get wiser ( I won’t say older 🙈)
I believe you’ve broke the code. It took me a while to realize it. At 44 you’re still a young lady. Imo if you adjust everything accordingly you’ll have a better rate of return.

Glad to see you experimenting and making changes to fit YOU. Knowing YOURSELF and making adjustments will serve you well as time rolls on.

Hang on…you’re getting to the point in your life where it starts moving at lightening speed. It sped up an unreasonable amount at 52 for me…I had to make changes often…sometimes playing catch-up.
Short story…as it relates to not saying “older” hahaha.

We were somewhere a couple of years ago and it was time to pay the bill…the nice (very) young man said “I’m giving you the cool guy discount”.

I said “all right… I’ll take it, whatever it is”.

He leaned over and said “it’s the senior discount but I didn’t want to say THAT out loud”.

I told him “at this moment you are my very favorite person!”
One more thing…I’m not doing this alone. “This” being trying to maintain strength, conditioning AND health well into my senior years. I’m on a mission and will eventually succumb as all humans do BUT I’m going down swinging.

I have folks here helping. There’s lots of knowledge here without the berating and high horse belittling. One (you know who you are) in particular I keep close contact with for an objective often hard dose of reality advisement.
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