SB Labs

Training Splits


Well-known member
FOr some time now, I have been following the same single body part split: Chest, Bicep/tricep, Quads, Back, calves/hams, Back (I train back twice per week). I’ve been listening to a shit ton of podcasts (Mike ISraetel, Broderick Chaven, Brian Schoenfeld etc), and its getting drilled into my head that one gets a greater hypertrophic response when training for example the chest 2-3 times per week.

Since I will be starting a mass gaining phase shortly, I have a training split under construction. It will in large part be an upper/lower-front/back split. On one day one of the muscle groups will get a heavy high volume session, whereas the secondary group will get a low volume high rep (or isolation movements in large part).
Here is the rudimentary outline:

Monday: Chest High Volume (hereinafter "HV), and Hams High Reps (hereinafter "HR)
Tuesday: Biceps, Triceps, Calves (Technical attack will like be varies for theses smaller muscles)
Wednesday: Quads HV, Back (Width HR, or HV; focus on vertical pulls)
Thursday: Chest HR, Hams HV, biceps (HR)
Friday: Back (Thickness focus on rowing movements HV/HR), Quads HR, Triceps (HR)
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: Shoulders HR (Focus on posterior and medial delts), Biceps (Variation), Triceps (variation)

Every big muscle group will get hit twice as will the smaller ones.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated 🙂
I had excellent gains on two similar splits or phases, as I like to call them. One was chest, calves, abs and a 15 minute back pump. I’d do regular chest, then calves, then like cable pullovers and neutral grip(double bicep pose) pulldowns 3 sets x 15 or 20, maybe a drop set… Point get a good pump. Then maybe another back row machine and a trap exercise, I wouldn’t do on back day. Then giant set abs. Next day I do front/ side Delta and bicep, triceps supersets…pump chest with decline flyes and presses to neck for example. Next day quads and pump Delta and arms. Day 4 back traps,rears pump quads,glutes, and focused hamstrings. Worked well for years, tweaks here and there, yours looks good. I also liked doing an exercise or superset, dropset, something high intensity for each body part three to five days in a row, then ancillaries like forearms, calves abs really high volume for a day before starting over. So, day one heavy incl press, moderate reverse pulldowns-ss- with hammer machine rows, db side laterals, Smith press, lying tricep cable extension ss alt heavy db curl…etc, next day start with reverse rows, traps, pec deck ss with dips, machine delts, rope pushdown- ss- hammer preacher, leg press- ss - leg curls, lunges…that kind of shit. Of course eating and supps were on point too.
I can not train a body part more than once a week. i train as heavy as i can to perform high reps (15_18)and high volume.(5-6 sets /5-6 exercises)…and i give all and beyond, some muscle like my chest i will need the whole week to recover, usually i do chest on Mondays, back and calves on tuesdays, legs on wednesday,shoulders on thurdays and arms, forearms and calves on fridays, rest sat and sun. Cardio at least 4 times a week/ 40 min. I never touch the abs. Also teach 2 martial art classes a week, but i keep it on the coaching i rest my muscle as much as i can to hit it as hard as I can
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