Tren A or E cycle recommendation

Man, those 23g harpoons will mess you up long term. This game is about longevity and with the way things are being produced I really see no reason to ever user larger than a 25g pin. In the last year most if not all of the compounds I have used I have been able to put through a 27g with ease.
Ironside said:
Man, those 23g harpoons will mess you up long term. This game is about longevity and with the way things are being produced I really see no reason to ever user larger than a 25g pin.
I agree and I was in a pinch when I bought the box of needles. After pinning my BPC157 with the 31ga slim pins, those 23ga look like a freakin’ toothpick! 😃

I’ll heed the word of advice from the experienced brethren. 👍
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I’ve pinned traps too many nerves and it hurts like a mofo lol

Biceps are easy I pin on the long head right at the peak. I only do .75ml i think anymore than that and it’s too much. I always do on arm day when I do them
They aren’t that bad i like to pin the meaty part of the calve the inside part but you can do both sides of where it splits
Ok it was time for my pin and I said fuck it and went for the calves again. This time I used a 27g 1/2" and actually had the balls to push the plunger this time lol. Tren Ace only .25ml but I didnt hit any nerves this time and it went smooth. A little sore being a virgin muscle but overall not bad so far.
As a general rule, most ppl go with the acetate first go. Reationale being if you do experience bad sides, which can happen BTW you can jump off and the acetate ester clears your system rapidly, as do the sides. If you use the long ester, the sides linger longer lol.

That being said, tren is some powerful shit and should be respected. I’ve used it many times… and each run was different. It works like a charm, but I’ve had runs with minimal sides and runs that kicked my ass.

Also, I feel most ppl use too much anyway. A little goes a long way. As always, use a Test base as the cycle foundation. Ive had good luck running lower test that tren as a general rule. Just enough test to keep the primary fucntions humming along. Also, I recommend being consisstent with the esters. If you tren ace, run test prop ot TPP. Avoid say tren ace and test e or c. That’s all I can offer. Good luck…
Just curious why you say to avoid running different esters together. There’s no science to that at all. I’ve run all short, all long and mixed shit up and there is 0 difference or interference with one another. I’m running enanthate, isolate and acetate all together right now as a matter of fact
I’ve heard that being said alot about mixing esters and how it’s a no go. Idk I think it’s bro science. If @SymBiotecLab lab could chime in that would be great, I asked him about a stack I was putting together with mixed esters and he kinda broke it down to me how there’s more synergy between alike esters.
I thought it worth mentioning. I’ve had better experiences keeping the esters consistent. The compounds kick in at roughly the same, each compound doing its job in baance with the other(s)

Or, I could just be an OCD pain in the ass…
I was more curious to see if it was your preference or if you had some medical reasoning behind it. I can agree that it makes pinning schedules easier and more linear but there is no real other reason one has to run the same or similar acting esters.