Tren A or E cycle recommendation

As @Islandswole stated above Blood work would be the first and obvious thing that would tell you that you need to be running it but if your running lower test and start to have gyno related issues it would be most likely prolactin related gyno, loss of sex drive, etc. I’ve even read of men actually lactating because of prolactin levels being so elevated. I run Caber when running any 19-nor along with my AI to keep prolactin and estrogen in check and for my own peace of mind. I’ve never personally experienced any negative side effects of using cabergoline all have been positive so for those reasons I use it. Also alongside with Proviron it increases my sex drive immensely…which isn’t always a good thing if I’m in training camp for a fight lol.
Arimadex can definitely be enough. I never “needed” caber for anything except high dose deca or MENT. Both also 19nor compounds. At 200 to 300 Tren Ace you are very unlikely to need to use Caber. I personally run it as a precaution, I’m thinking n8 does as well. I’ll run it .25mg once a week with Tren or NPP same as N8 does but again it’s only precautionary. I’ve never had bloodwork that showed high progesterone levels with Tren or NPP.
Sorry to beat a dead horse but I’m itching to start my Tren cycle. Some of you know I took about about 2-3 months off lifting because of shoulder pain. This is my 3rd week back, no pain, taking it easy and using TUT.

How long should I wait before I start my cycle? I don’t want to rush into anything because of my fear of re-injury. Thoughts??
Only you are going to know the answer to that question bro. Shoulders can be a bitch. I’ve had the same injuries since early 2000’s and they never really fully heal. Not without surgery