Tren test dosage

No. I had just started AAS and didn’t know anything except for what an old school dealer who had been doing it for years, was telling me. And unfortunately some of his advice was……“if your sitting there watching TV and start crying like a lil girl just remember your taking a lot of hormones so that’s normal”. So I started researching and learned as much as I could about what I was taking and then changed around my AI dosages (Adex) and got it back under control. And figured out he was an idiot suffering from side effects that could be controlled.
The one and only time i tried tre, it was tren a at 50 mg EOD+50 mg test p EOD. after 2 weeks i could not take it no more, the hot flashes, the nigh sweats, mood swinging, irritability, etc…I said NO MORE
I would highly recommend avoiding TrestE unless you have extensive experience with MENT. Acetate is the way to go if you are considering it, The numbers say it is 250% stronger on paper but it my personal experience I would say that is misleading and is not necessarily reflected in physical results. I agree the sides of MENT are much different than tren. I found them to be way more tolerable and controllable with the proper planning. It will aromatase like a bitch but if you stay on top of it you will be good to go. Libido is a different story. 😉
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So ment kills libido?
Running maybe mast ment and test prop would be a good mix? In your opinion?
I’m looking into the future running trest ace
It didn’t kill my libido or my appetite, but it made me extremely hot, all day, which made me irritable
Just the opposite… Libido goes high and to the right… beyond any other steroid I have ever taken. I honestly don’t have an opinion on any stack. It would all depend on the purpose of the cycle and the specific reason for including any combination of compounds. My cycles are always purpose driven and I add components to serve a specific purpose or add synergy.

When I run it I combine it with a minimal amount of test (200mg/wk). I know some run it without test successfully and also use it as a stand alone for TRT. Not a true testosterone replacement but you get the idea.
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Don’t forget the oily skin. Strength gains are pretty impressive and short lived of course. 😉 It definitely has a strong effect on the CNS.
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