SB Labs

TRT…Self Administered?


Staff member
Military Vet
It is widely accepted that total testosterone readings from blood tests that fall between 300 ng/dL and 1050 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter) are to be considered normal.

That does not mean that a person with a test result of 300 ng/dL is not dealing with Low T. There are many other factors to take into consideration when a person is making this determination. That is why it is imperative to do your due diligence and do more than just look at a number, but, instead, assess the entire picture ie. health, wellbeing, quality of life.

Maintaining optimal testosterone levels in men is crucial for the body to carry out the many functions that this essential hormone is used for. Energy, sexual ability, muscle tone, bone density, cognitive functions, metabolism, hair growth, and mood are all dependent upon a proper amount of testosterone circulating in the body.


The biggest concern that men often have is that men who are considered to be on the lower end of what is held as “normal” are actually dealing with the possible debilitating effects of Low T but are not properly diagnosed and prescribed medication to correct this testosterone deficiency.

This is where your “homework” will do more than look at a number in a testosterone blood test result, although that is a crucial part of the diagnosis and determination of medication dosage to prescribe. Information gleaned from a physical examination, as well as current symptomology along with the severity of the issues that are present will all go into the equation when a diagnosis and treatment plan are devised.

What are normal testosterone levels in men at the various stages of one’s life?

The information below will help to break it down further:
  • Testosterone levels in men over 30:
Free: 8.7 – 25.1 pg/mL (picogram/milliliter)

Total: 219 – 1009 ng/dL Normal 600 – 675 ng/dL
  • Testosterone levels in men over 40
Free: 6.8 – 21.5 pg/mL

Total: 201 – 993 ng/dL Normal 500 – 550 ng/dL
  • Testosterone levels in men over 50
Free: 7.2 – 24.0 pg/mL

Total: 170 – 918 ng/dL Normal 400 – 450 ng/dL
  • Testosterone levels in men 60 and over
Free: 6.6 – 18.1 pg/mL

Total: 156 – 700 ng/dL Normal 300 – 350 ng/dL

It is clear that the variance shown can make a big impact on how a man feels, thinks, and looks based on where his numbers will be found. The average testosterone levels in men by age listed here are basic guidelines that hormone specialists will use to assess each male on an individualized basis.

Some studies have shown that men over sixty are often found to have total testosterone levels under 241, which could explain the many changes they are experiencing.


There is a tremendous benefit for men who are experiencing symptoms of fatigue, muscle loss, joint pains, stiffness, hair loss, low libido, erectile dysfunction, mental fog, depression, or memory loss to to consider the possibility of getting a blood test for Low T. These are all possible signs that testosterone levels are below what is needed by the body for optimum functioning.

Take a look at the normal testosterone levels in men by age chart below as a reference:
Age YearsFree Testosterone Average RangeTotal Testosterone Average RangeNormal Total Testosterone
30 – 408.7 – 25.1 pg/mL219 – 1009 ng/dL600 – 675 ng/dL
40 – 506.8 – 21.5 pg/mL201 – 993 ng/dL500 – 550 ng/dL
50 – 607.2 – 24.0 pg/mL170 – 918 ng/dL400 – 450 ng/dL
Over 606.6 – 18.1 pg/mL156 – 700 ng/dL300 – 350 ng/dL
What is considered normal testosterone levels in men by age varies considerably, as shown above. A man in his early fifties who falls at the low end of the average range will most likely be experiencing many of the symptoms associated with Low T. Treatment with testosterone therapy will be beneficial at this point.

The medical community (in general) is not interested in keeping you healthy… there’s not as much money in that as keeping you limping along with endless doctors appointments. The HRT clinics will charge you an arm and a leg for something you can administer yourself. Fair warning… self administration will require a lot of studying and honest self assessment along with 24/7 self monitoring.

The insurance companies are for profit and are extremely hesitant to pre approve a script for testosterone and any ancillary compounds that go with it.

Self administered HRT/TRT will require relatively frequent blood labs to include comprehensive panels.

A common path taken is: individuals will adopt the mindset that if some is good then a bunch must be great…the associated side effects can get way out of hand quickly and be detrimental to your health. Also, adding in other performance enhancing compounds, usually, is not considered HRT/TRT.

The general mindset among regular folks is moving away from heavy cycles and/or blast and cruise. The lifestyle is nudging towards taking the minimal amount of PED’s that will afford you the best performance without the associated sides of a heavy cycle.


As you can see, the T ranges are a mile wide with zero consideration for health, well being and quality of life. There are doctors out there that are very good at this but if insurance will not partially cover it, than treatment can be costly. TRT/HRT is a personal decision, with or without a doctor. It is also forever… once started, it can’t be stopped… unless you want to live out the remainder of your years as a slug.
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