Unicorn Labz Seeking 2 More Loggers


We are looking for 2 loggers willing to run Test C and Tren A.

We will select 2 more loggers that can agree to these conditions:
  1. Willing to provide daily posts in a log giving feedback, strength gains, body composition changes, potency etc.
  2. Willing to run a dosage of at least 5mg/kg of combined compounds during the log and provide doses and protocols (Ex 100kg athlete = 500mg or higher total compound).
  3. Have at least 50+ posts and experience with gear and proper training.
Please submit your applications in a reply to this thread stating why you should be chosen and we will choose 2 loggers by Monday.

Good luck!

Forum Sponsor [email protected]

This is my photo I just took
I volunteer and would like to run a log, I’m honest, pretty straightforward guy and I really care about this community. I’ve been around here for a minute and if anyone here knows me they know I will give unbiased feedback. I’m consistent and disciplined and passionate about improving my physique and I don’t just depend on gear for my results I also believe diets are just as important if not more. I’m more of a show you guy then talk about what I can or will do.

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