SB Labs

Waking up scared, body fully tense, its weird

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Military Vet
So past few nights, I been goin from fully asleep to fully awake, with my whole body tensed up, the whole bed shakes when I come back to consciousness,and that first second or two my whole body is stiff, not cramps though, it’s weird, I’m coming to in a scared state,no dreams prior to waking up either
Where do the dogs sleep?
Are they in the house?
Are they acting any kinda way that you know of?
Barking, whining, any kinda noises coming from them?
They sleep next door to our room, havent heard anything unusual from them, I usually wake up from bad dreams like this, but there have been no dreams accompanying this
Im thinking something spiritual in nature but the dogs aren’t flipping out so there’s that.
Is there a certain time this is happening?
Is it the same time or super random
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I remember watching Fire In the Sky when I was 14, I was so fucking scared of aliens after that I slept with the covers completely over me and only one eye showing… worst alien movie ever to watch
That’s my guess. Night terrors. I get them every so often. Sometimes i can remember the dream sometimes not.

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I get morning anxiety every now and then. Just waking up super anxious. Usually when I’ve got a lot of stressors in my life. Could be something you’re working through subconsciously.
I did an art project. I’m a shitty artist on one of the episodes I could remember the dream but it involved aliens and wrestling coach hahah. Wish I had that to post it my teacher asked if I was on drugs. I replied no but I’ve seen her get out of car after break with smoke so it’s best not to cast stones. She laughed and just said ok
Definitely something related to dream state. I’ve woken up screaming and flailing before. Mine related back to PTSD and not being able to save a buddy and sometimes I do t even k ow it’s happening but it wakes the kids up down the hall
Yes sometimes I wake full fledged panic attack gotta hit the inhaler and take a klonopin and wait to fall back askeep,however what’s happening now is new, im not waking up from a bad dream, and I’m not outta breath or soaked in sweat
I have these every so often. Most of the time it’s due to night terrors. Part of the life now. I think it’s due to memories. Pretty fucking sure of that. In my youth, never had them. As I’ve gotten older I am more sensitive to things. Which probably is related to my past journeys. I am still a huge fan of Trazodone. It has really stopped my anxiety and my waking in the middle of the night. I told my wife I wanted to get off of them. Her reply was no way. She has seen the change in me over the last 4 years. A positive change. No sadness no reoccurring dreams. Not a short fuse. Some try it and say it doesn’t work. But it takes about 3-4 months to really make an impact. I take 100mg every night before bed. Also helps me stay asleep. Also I do a bit of meditation before bed. Pretty much every night unless I’m shitfaced. 🤣
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