Water Reduction Tricks?


Well-known member
Here’s the situation:
  • Was running Test @ 600, Masteron @200, Deca @200., after 4 weeks I added 200 Tren E, which caused big time water retention… No Gyno symptoms, just gear face and way too much smoothness, loss of definition. I’ve gained 20 lbs, but 15 is probably water.
3 weeks ago I dropped Deca, reduced test to 250, increased Tren to 300 and increased Masteron (temporarily) to 400. Taking 50 mg Proviron too… Was at 25. It is helping, but im still too water logged.

I take Aromasin and cabergoline, but only sparingly. I’ve done Armidex in the past, but it kills my estrogen and momentum… Lots of water loss with it. I’d rather have high estrogen as long as I don’t have Gyno sides.

Do you have any tricks/ advice to help shed extra water? These pictures are of my left lower leg and right lower leg… Left side is close to looking normal. Right side is canckled out…


That doesn’t look like water retention bro. If you’re bloating and holding water you’re holding water. You’re not just going to have 1 limb that is holding water and the other isn’t. Are you sure that you didn’t get injured in some fashion or maybe have an allergic reaction to something?
Use more dht compounds instead of Anabolic.
Get away from the compounds that aromatase and just use compounds that don’t aromatase except testosterone of course
The left was similar looking and it’s possible that the right is shedding water slower… I don’t have any injuries to the right side and I am way active on both.
If you have clear toe nails, like no toenail fungus or anything, you should be able to push down on each toenail to force blood out of the nail and it will look white. When you release it, the blood should quickly return and the color should return. I’m talking a fraction of a second. If it takes longer then you likely have some circulation issue happening bro
Ok I feel a little better that the toenail test passed lol. I’d still seek a doctors advice but in the mean time I’ll try to answer your original question.

From personal experience over the last few weeks, PHD played a bit with my fats and carbs and I noticed drastic changes, almost immediately by lowering fats and carbs. We didn’t change much else and I cut up in the first week.
Nice! Precycle I was under 10%BF for a couple of years, but I’ve always held too much water. I do like salt, but I try to drink tons of water and supplement well.
I’m definitely eating lots of sugar and I’m going through divorce, family being divided… Mega stress right now too… I sometimes get kidney stones from stress and kidney problems can cause water retention issues. My guess is that’s what The Doctor decides the problem is… Though keep in mind, both legs were similar looking a week ago.