SB Labs

What causes DBOL sides?

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Was thinking of adding some DBol into my next cycle but had a few questions about sides and what causes them. I tried to run it like 5 years ago on 500mg test midway through cycle. After a week my BP was through the roof, massive headache, ending up with leaking nosebleeds. Stopped immediately after the nosebleeds started. Is the BP spike strictly due to the high aromitization to E2 and would sufficiently controlling that prevent similar sides? Or are there other factors contributing to the BP spike?
Oh boy. How much dbol were you taking? I always just took 10-20 prewo. Do you have BP issues?
Not that I’m aware of. Never tested myself out of a clinical setting but have never been told I have high BP during annual physicals. I believe it was just 25mg a day one dose.
High Bp is a killer brother. Maybe just leave it alone…if it causes it to shoot up like that.
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Everyone reacts differently. Dbol gave me serious moon face…my head got bigger than the grinches heart at the end.
I don’t like dbol to begin with but yeah if your sure it was that then try something else, BP sides aint ever worth it, lots of other things to try…
Me? I’m a fan of Dbol. I only take it for about 3 weeks till the long esters kick in. I took 50mg about an hour before workouts. Now ABOMBS, those I really loved. But as I got older that stuff wrecked my BP and gave me like symptoms you described. So I quit them like you did. Just not worth it. Long story. If it fucks with your BP. let it go.
Oh and the water retention part? I noticed if I increased my water intake, I got less bloating. I don’t know why, but it worked for me that way.
Everyone is different and you’ll hear people both say they do and don’t but if you already have bp issues forget it … like tbu said drink more water and that helps does for me as well . also what you eat will effect you as well to much sodium etc… I like it myself 4/5 weeks 50mg am and pwo does me just right . Good luck if you run with it
Based on the repute of dbol being such a highly aromatizing compound, I had presumed I would experience some nasty sides when I decided to run it on my cycle especially considering I had a hard time combating estro on just a test only cycle. Much to my surprise, I haven’t experienced any side effects whatsoever. I either handle it well or switching AI made a world of difference, most likely the latter. Did Dbol for 6 weeks at 50mg ED split between 25 before the gym and 25 in the evening.
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Yep I dropped Adex and went with Aromasin. I was running .5 adex twice a week and bloods showed Estro still high so kept increasing the dosage to 1mg every day and it was still on the higher end. I just don’t respond well to adex and that was using two different sponsors. Been taking 10mg aromasin EOD and don’t feel any estro sides but we shall see when I hit the blood work next week
I’m thinking about switching too. I need to get some bloods to confirm my suspicion. Estrogen was fine last time but I feel like it’s higher.
Interesting. I’ve been taking Dbol 25mg this cycle pre-workout for about 6 weeks and haven’t noticed many negative sides. It must be the differences in body reactions.

I should also mention that I started this cycle using arimidex 0.5 Mon and Thurs just to combat the possible aromatization, based on Dbol’s reputation
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