SB Labs

What is everyone’s sweet spot on test?

Bringing up the estro is a great point. My sweet spot changes depending on my bf and what brand am using cause it affects my estro differently and some brands run stronger then labeled. My sweet spot is definitely more based on my estrogen. Whatever it takes to get my estrogen between mid 50s to mid 60s is when I feel and function the best. Usually it’s around 300 test cyp or enth weekly
Only ever run 600mg a week and grow fine, never ever had a problem. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it, and currently cruising at 250mg weekly feel great.
@Ripgut consider this study started at 600mg test a week with people never on cycle. No reason to go lower imo. Way back a long ass time ago I was told don’t believe the cycles posted and keep 1g as a base on cycle.
You’ll see big improvements at 1g. @Dirtnasty knows lol. It may suck in bedroom but sometimes good to push how you need 2 women lol. Women never complain tho lol.
I like high test. I was thinking this weekend of doing like 10 weeks at 3g sometime just to see if it gives that libido like 2 g first go round. That said cruise I was doing 4-500 but found 300 was plenty and I felt real good
I am curious as well. I’d say I’m definitely more in work mode than excited mode. " Do what you love but call it work." And I love this shit. Excitement always come with the pump though :crazy_face:🙌…don’t have everything dialed in yet expect the 1g base.
I am guessing and thinking that this is why I never really thrived on TrenA or for sure TrenE. I never really knew to add at 1g and always kept same or lower than the Tren, which means I wasted some cycles, valuable time, and valuable gear.

Oh…The would have, could have, should have!
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I’m about to “cruise” at 1g…
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