SB Labs

What made you truly happy today?

What I learned is the little things like notes and sending flowers to her work once a month makes all the difference in the world, and when I get grumpy n have a attitude it gets me out of hot water!
I had a tough morning yesterday…i felt afraid my brothers would be disappointed of me, i felt treated unfairly…the truth is God did not promise life would be fair or just…but he did promise to bless the ones that walk with Him.
I felt yesterday overwhelmed by happiness to see how all my brothers here at UGM supported me and encouraged me. Am endlessly grateful to you all for all your expressions of understanding and companionship…I feel loved here. God bless you all.
Ha ha… well I woke up to my chimney leaking thru the attic into my upstairs hallway, but that is also saying I have a roof over my head, and for that I’m thankful, hope everyone has a fantastic day!!
you worry to much ,i just remember what jesus went through .just puts it in perspective how easy i have it .keep your chin up and keep good around you .god bless
My 6 year old son’s smile when he found out i had the day off from work this morning! He was so happy he smiled then screamed lmfao! Nothing better than knowing your son looks at you like you are the coolest superhero of all 💙 best part of my life 1st always is being a dad then husband and 3rd bbing! Family 1st in my book no matter what!
My best friend…

Buddy backpack
Thank you Pastor! Yes i am truly blessed to have such a beautiful loving caring dedicated sexy wife and adorable kind thoughful lil boy i truly love them both more than any words could ever describe i give my all to take care of them both best i possibly can till the day God takes me
What made me happy ttoday? Waking up in this great country beside my amazing wife and kissing my little boy on the forehead before leaving for work. Have a fantastic day today ugmuscle family! Ive realized this is truly the best forum I’ve been a part of.