SB Labs

What made you truly happy today?

2 things made me very happy today: I received a business proposition forum related that made me feel great about my self and the way i go and the content of what i post. I feel Honored.
The other one is what my beloved Mountain-man just posted here. it feels great to be part of somebody else’s happiness, specially when God thru brother’s prayer is been the reason. Mountain man you are awesome
What made me happy was taking the dog, woman n her kid trout fishing a little bit ago, we got 3 each so six trout for dinner it is!!
Today I was truly happy to be able to finnally feel like I was able to help the front office girl where I work. She works incredibly hard and that makes my life easier. She also is another employee at my company that truly cares about doing a great job and not just clocking in and out. She always helps me and today I could see that she was extremely overwhelmed by the work load. I finnally got to help her out by writing the ceo of my company asking him to get someone to back her up a bit. He instantly got her exactly what she needed. I felt really good about this. I don’t feel happy very much but I have mu good days and bad but today I felt really happy about being able to help her out.
Great thread im glad I was able to find this today to be able to post this.
today atfer 4 months iam returning to the church hall where i met my girl .ater all of the hurdles we faced with me being the cook there ,i decided to leave to concentrate on us has a couple and today we go back for fellowship has a couple and and customers to share our faith with others and encourage those who are less fortunate than us ,today my sister has her 4th treament of chemo and is doing well ,i thank the lord with all my heart for looking over her and the doctor who prescribed her the wrong a/i so that now i have plenty of free anastrole i pray for all who you i have had the privelidge of talking to on here and those children in syria that were attacked with chemical weapons .and the services that were involved in the treatment of people who were attacked will theses savage weapons on my own soil here in britain .iam british i have the lord by my side and the devil will never beat me we will never surrender ,be good to your fellowman and woman besided you no matter what color race or creed .god loves us all remember that .god bless you all .sorry for the rant lol
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How awesome my brother. We will keep your sister in our prayers…as a matter of fact let’s do it right now: Father in the precious name of Jesus I lift up in prayer my brother’s sister, I pray for strength to make thru the chemo, I pray for the doctors and nurses arround her…You said in your word father that we are healed by your strips…so we believe…so we know she has been healed by your power and our faith in you Lord. You said father where 2 or more wather am in the midst…so here we are all of us brothers in Christ praying for Busa’s sister, you are still on the throne, you are still performing miracles…in Jesus name we pray…Amen
Amen! That was beautiful Pastor an amazing person you truly are! Busa sending my best wishes and prayers for your sister in these tough times from my family to yours :pray:t2: Just lost my best friend of 17 years to leukemia last year so i know exactly 1st hand what you are experiencing and feeling brotha stay positive and strong for her you need to be even when you feeling like falling apart. No matter what happens just know that its part of the Lord’s plan that he has for us all. I now know my buddy Brendon is with the Lord in Heaven cranking up the tunes and smashing some workouts :metal:t2: Hope you all have a great day today!
My prayers are heard as well. Great examples of men who aren’t afraid or hesitant to lead by example(as much as you can online) when you can agree where your heart is., it becomes a stronger spirit and a purposeful life. No jokes to follow. Bless everyone on where ever or what ever YOUR JOURNEY might be or lead to.
My wife has been drawing and painting me a picture the past three weeks she was obsessed with getting it perfect she gave it to me last night framed up I got tears in my eyes I’m from the coast and stay home sick for salt air
She Drew and painted me a octopus one of my favorite ocean dwellers
Am home alone …for the whole weekend, the wife is out of town…i got up very early worked out and then by 11 am i had a donation table set up outside Walmart to help a local ministry that helps drug-addicts and alcoholics. Am regretful that am in position today to show gratitude to the church and God. I stood behind that table getting donations and telling everybody what God has done in my life