What the Health

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I have a friend from college in agriculture and he said that he is aware of some pig farms that take recycled plastic and mix it with the food and feed it to the pigs to help fill them up so they can spend less on raw foods. An there is a slight loophole that makes it somewhat legal.

I mean we are all going to die but I would really like to live a happy healthy life for the time I’m here. Plant based is not my cup of tea just because I like ribeye and crawfish but I do know a few men who are plant based and they don’t have a problem walking around single digit body fat and hold a lot of muscle.

What does not sit well with me is the fact they lie to our face.
Can i ask the thought behind putting plastic in pig food. Your filling the pig up but no nutrients so they wouldn’t grow as much leading to less money made.
But they do grow, very large. I was told to “recycle” waste, dispose of trash, and cut costs on food that they have to give the pigs to fill them up. I actually had this discussion with someone at Whole Foods a few days ago and this documentary sparked some heat. I’m still looking into it to see what I can find. Putting a hold on pork for me and the family for a bit. More so for my kids sake.
The only thing that would make sense is the slop supplier is doing it to make more profit. the pigs to get full size will have ti eat the same
Amount of actual food so the farmers would be buying more feed to get there
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