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Whatsfor dinner,im fending for myself

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Today I had a tuna salad sandwich with olive oil Mayo. Tonight wife making shrimp something dunno what yet.
Nice,anything with shrimp is good, wife n kid ar goin to her step dads bday, I was gonna go, but dont see the point, if I’m just gonna sit there, and then everyone is gonna ask me, how did it go, how are you feeling, blah fuckin blah,so I’m fending for myself again, I got venison out, cut real small, barely have to cook it on stove, using, fresh cut onion n garlic n pepper little bit a oil, with a huge side of bisquick dumplings,raw carrots,.
Sounds yummy. You enjoy that alone time anyways don’t you. How did your calamari turn out. That’s one of my favorites.
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I do enjoy it…it was great,better then most restaurants,or so I’m told, and as long it’s on the menu when we go out, its guaranteed I’m gonna order it.
But since you mentioned shrimp,tomorrow I think we will have shrimp in a white wine sauce, with Risotto
I’ve never heard that, scam artists suckass,I wonder if I’ve ever had any ha ha
Heck i get them locally caught and I’ve probably had them… folks will mix them in with real ones like cutting drugs.
Scallops are one of the few things from the sea I’ll eat. I would be super pissed to find out I got skate! I would imagine skate wings would be tough? This is going to mess me up every time I order it now!
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