Why don’t I hear much about sus250

The best ester is always a choice it depends upon goals and your preferences because alot of people don’t like to pin more than 2x a wk others don’t mind pinning ed so depending on what you are trying to achieve and your preferences would determine the answer.

Optimal is everyday actually but acceptable just depends on the half life of the compound.
Test c 2x a week
Test e 2x a week
Test p every other day minimum
Sust 3x a week minimum
When using sus I was also using e and it seemed great now my kid is test ace tpp and test iso at 50 100 150. I’m doing three shots a week to get to 300
Look at the ester weight and your almost getting 300mg a week
Ester weights and active lives Steroid Profiles
Ester weights and active life. The mgs below are the estimated amount of active hormone you get per 100mg of ester and active hormone. Boldenone base: 100mg Boldenone acetate: 83mg Boldenone Propionate: 80mg Boldenone Cypionate: 69mg Boldenone Undecylenate: 61mg Clostebol Base: 100mg Clostebol Acetate: 84mg Clostebol Enanthate: 72mg Drostanolone Base: 100mg Drostanolone Propionate: 80mg Drostanolone Enanthate: 71mg Methenolone Base: 100mg Methenolone Acetate: 82mg Methenolone Enan…
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For trt the general recommended starting point is 125mg cyp e3d.

I was on e4d but closed it in a day. It was a noticeable difference.

When I “blast” (for me) it will be no more than 200 e3d.

Every 3 days keeps my levels perfect.
Love the cyp too. I feel the most stable with it. And never had pip from it. @ThoroughBred ive never tried sust so can’t really comment on it. I know I’ve tried cyp, e, and prop. I had bad experience with prop. Cyp and E treated me well. But we are all different on our preferences and how our bodies deal with things. What work horrible for me has been great for others. Dont be afraid to experiment and learn what’s good for your body. If your ever in question of dosages or a certain stack. Chuck it on here before you try it and get some opinions