Winstrol timing and dosing


Active member
Hello there, I’ll start a new cycle soon and I have doubts about Winny (it’s not a Winny only cycle) timing and dosing. I’ll take it for 4 weeks this way 20/30/40/50, pill dose is 10mg and I don’t know how to split the daily doses, especially on the 30/50mg weeks. I’ll do 10 in the morning and 10 in the afternoon on the first week, and probably 20/20 on the 40mg week. What about 30/50? like 10/10/10 every 6 hours on the 30mg week and 20/20/10 on the 50mg week?

Sorry for the annoying topic 😅
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You can ask whatever is on your mind brother were all here to help or get help.
I don’t believe that you need to split your doses 4x a day. I honestly have never used winny but there’s others that will help you out with winny @TBU use to run winny alot.
I personally don’t like it because it can easily cause issues with injuries messing up cartilage and tendons.
I like that you start low and go higher in your doses. This way you can find a sweet spot or it might just not be right for you and you can just move on with the rest of your cycle.
What else did you decide to go with?
splitting it into 4 doses is not needed but it will offer up a more stable supply to the body, if you can remember to take it and keep it spaced out like that it is the better option, but it is not needed, also curious as to your reasons for the ramping up of your dose.
Mh ye I was not planning to split my doses 4x a day, just wanted to keep substance as steady as possible during the day.
Besides Winny I’ll use susta, npp and tren hex 😊
I’ll be starting winny at the beginning of the cycle, tbh I have no idea why ramping up of the dose, I got a coach behind me 😊 but I was curious too so I’m gonna ask him why